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She slowly opened her eyes, her mind foggy and gaze still hazed with sleep. Looking around trying to get her bearings, Eleanor had realised she fell asleep - curled uncomfortably into the armchair in Ginny's bedroom where a quilt had lazily been placed on her lap.

The room itself was empty, Ginny's bed was made and the sleeping bag Hermione had slept in had already been neatly rolled up and placed to the side.

It didn't take long for Eleanor to remember what had happened the night prior as reality began to settle in. She was at the Burrow, George had been injured, Alaster Moody was killed and Eleanor was supposed to leave with Harry to London later tonight.

Everyone knew the consequences of helping them, yet Eleanor didn't want to wait any longer before more people like George or Alaster would get hurt or killed.

A greater guilt was beginning to out weight itself and she couldn't bare with losing and risking more lives.

Before she could comprehend the faint cheerful humming from outside the door, a soft knock had followed. "Eleanor?" Called Arthur Weasley, "Are you awake yet?"

At that, she quickly scrambled out of the chair and heavy quilt, nearly tripping over herself; stumbling as she went to the door, opening it.

"Good morning there! My apologies for waking you." Mister Weasley wore a welcoming grin despite all that happened last night.

"Oh, It's quite alright Arthur. I was just getting up..." She trained off rubbing the tiredness from her eyes as Mister Weasley only nodded. "Is George feeling alright?"

Faintly, his face seemed to soften at the mention of his son, "Oh, he's fine. Believe me, if it wasn't last night it would have been sooner or later that one of our boys would have blown off their own ears from those firecrackers they've been playing with." He tried to laugh it off , but the realization of his poor taste of humor caused him to clear his throat abruptly. Eleanor hadn't laughed. "Anyhow, I wanted to let you know that the Minister of Magic has arrived, he's down stairs with Harry and the kids having a spot of tea... I believe he's expecting to speak with you as well." Arthur smiles as he begins to leave, but turns around with a finger shot up in the air like he had remembered something. "Almost forgot, Molly brought up a proper dress for you in the closet there for the ceremony tonight."

A confused expression had crossed her face before she could ask, "Ceremony?"

"Well yes, there can't be a wedding without a ceremony." Mister Weasley spoke in a teasing matter before he shook his head and went down stairs chuckling to himself.

Eleanor couldn't believe she forgot about Bill and Fleur's wedding, but most importantly she couldn't believe they were still going to carry on with a wedding especially after the attack.

Aside from that, her mind wandered on why the Minister of Magic would be down stairs wanting to speak with her.

She hadn't bothered to get dressed, instead she slipped on a robe and began to rush down stairs with tousled hair and pajamas.

As she walked quickly down the staircase she could smell the aftermath of an hour late breakfast of beans, toast, bacon, eggs and black pudding; that alone would have made her lose her appetite, blood sausage was never her favourite and the scent made her nauseous.

As Eleanor reached the last step she had already spotted Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting across from the Minister of Magic on the couch. Each of them had objects in their hands, a book, a deluminator and a golden snitch. "What's this about?" Questioned Eleanor as the four now turned to notice her presence.

"Professor Dumbledore left a few things in his will," Explained Hermione, "You've got one too I believe."

"Lets hope he left her a hair brush..." Ron muttered a jab towards his professor's appearance as even Harry had stiffled a laugh.

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