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Harry did not wake till three days later

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Harry did not wake till three days later. His arrival back from the hospital wing had students beaming of joy, well most of them. Malfoy muttered under his breath the whole time.

Harry sat with his friends for the last feast of the year. Eleanor couldn't believe how fast the year had gone by. She admired the students in front of her, knowing that they would be going home for summer tomorrow. Her eyes glimmered at Harry who made eye contact with her and smiled ear to ear.

She raised her glass to him, for the bravest little boy she knew.

Dumbledore than began to say his farewell speech of the year. Which regarded his blessings and promises, congratulating every students success.

Than the house points came along. There was a turn with the counting as the green slytherin flags had been replaced with red due to recent points given to gryffindor.

Now this was just Dumbledore being cheeky.

Eleanor looked over to Snape who looked extremely annoyed at the fact of slytherin getting second place.

But soon all didn't matter, everyone celebrated in feast with all sorts of foods.

The next morning Eleanor had woken up earlier than usual. She took the time to pack everything she could until school restarted. Her clothes, books, personal care and so forth.

Taking a deep breath she gathered everything together walking out her door and locking it behind.

Curiosity struck her as she turned to see Severus's door across from her own. The door had been cracked open. She smiled softly.

Walking across the corridor she knocked lightly and peeped her head in to see Severus hunched over his desk writing some sort of letter.

"You haven't packed yet?" Asked Eleanor which Severus turned with suprise on his face. He hadn't even heard the knock at his door.

"I'll get to it I'm sure." Said Snape who put away whatever he was writing quickly. "I want out of here more than anyone else does."

Eleanor laughed a little, admiring the small chuckle from Severus.

"I just wanted to say thank you, really." She sighed, "For everything."

"I haven't done much." Replied Snape who leaned against his desk.

"You watched over my nephew, I'm grateful for that." Said Eleanor, she stood at the doorframe with her head resting against the stone walls.

It was silent for a moment, the only thing they heard was the chattering of kids leaving the castle. A sudden echo of voices were heard calling for Professor Adler to say their farewells. Eleanor rolled her eyes, "That's my signal." She stated before turning around. "Bye."

She had just made it to the hall before she heard a Snape's voice making her stop in her tracks,
"Eleanor." He said now standing outside his door with a soft expression, "Have a good holiday."

Eleanor smiled, "You too Severus." Walking away she was kind of disappointed with the outcome of their goodbyes, but they were just staff members, co-workers— they had to be nice to each other. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Before Eleanor departed Hogwarts with floo powder she made sure to step outside to greet the students to say her farewells.

"Fred. George." Said Eleanor at the two twins who were just as tall as her. They smirked at their names and grinned.

"We got you a gift!" Said George
"Yeah! Would you like to see it?" Said Fred.

"Depends.." she said weary, knowing exactly what the boys are up to.

Fred than gave George a nod in which they placed a pink heart shaped bottle into her hand. "A love potion?" Questioned Eleanor

"You can use it on any gentlemen you like!" Said George
"Or on me." Fred winked

Displeased at Fred's statement, she pushed their shoulders away before they let out a laugh, walking out of the entrance of Hogwarts.

"I wouldn't worry about it, it probably doesnt work. They've flunk the potion many times. If anything it would just make someone throw up." Said Ron who scratched his long nose.

Eleanor let out a small chuckle, hugging Ron, "Have a good stay at home! Get the rest, you deserve it."

Than it was Hermione, she extended her hand to Eleanor to shake it, but instead she was left in shock as the Professor put her arms around her, bring her into a hug. Smiling, Hermione thanked her teacher before moving to the side Where Neville longbottom stood awkwardly to say farewell to his favourite teacher.

He gave her a squeeze hug, much like a child would do to their mother, "Have a good vacation, Professor!" He said smiling ear to ear.

Eleanor smiled, "You too Neville! And say hello to grandma for me!"

"I will!" Was the last of Neville before he ran off waving goodbye which caused him to walk backwards into Malfoy who shoved him off.

"Draco," singed Eleanor as the slytherin boy turned expecting him to get in trouble. "You enjoy your holiday! See you next year!" She had given him a knowing stare before a teasing smile.

Malfoy said nothing and continued to walk off acting smug as usual.

Finally it was Harry who had come up to her, they stared at each other for a moment than he embraced her, and the smell of roses relaxed him, having harry melt like butter into her arms.

"I never got to say thank you for saving me." Harry said with a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry I broke your promise of getting myself into danger."

Eleanor stepped aside bringing Harry along with her. "Harry," she began, "You are incredibly brave for doing what you did, you saved the stone from being stolen by Quirrell and—"

"Voldemort." Harry said outloud, but Eleanor only nodded quietly.

"But I was very serious when I mentioned that you can get yourself in trouble! Even dead Harry." She stated with a stricked motherly tone. "You actually promise this time to let me know when you think something is going on?" Eleanor gripped his shoulders giving him a stern look.

Harry nodded his head, "Yes Professor."

"Good." She smiled before giving him one last hug. "I'll see you in a couple of months."

With that Eleanor watched Harry walk away catching up with his friends who waited for him as the three walked to the Hogwarts Express.

AN: End of part 1 ❤ !!

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