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The sound of Harry's roar had bounced off the walls and rang in Eleanor's ears.

It seemed like all of the repressed emotion she had kept in since her brothers own death had been unleashed once again.

Eleanor was seen hunched over, digging her nails in the back of her head — proceeding to unravel heaving sobs followed by inaudible words that escaped from her quivering lips.

All she was trying to do was save her nephew. She thought she was going to sacrifice her own life by doing so and she was okay with that. Instead Lucius chose to punish her; rather than letting her make that sacrifice.

It was all her fault.

She was the reason he was gone.

Over the crying— Eleanor was also trying to comprehend what was going on around her surroundings. Bellatrix and Lucius had disappeared behind one of the passage ways, a tearful Remus was holding onto Harry for dear life to try and keep him back, Kingsey and Madeye Moody had most of the Death Eaters cornered and began to tie them with enchanted ropes. Tonks was seen standing over Thomas's body with a remorseful expression.

"No.." Eleanor croaked while she tried to push herself up, but only stumbled over herself before she made her way to the body.

Thomas's brown eyes stared ahead, they were incredibly dull and dazed. Blood had been running down the corners of his mouth. A bruised mark was aligned with his throat and his body stiff and lifeless.

Eleanor grapped the mans arm. Her fingers pressed on his wrist and searched for a pulse, but a heartbeat couldn't be found.

Not even a spell would be able to bring him back even if she tried.

Thomas King was dead.

Eleanor felt a rush of defeat come over her.

Two minutes had passed and she already lost Sirius and an old friend— an ex brother- in- law.

The first thing she thought of was how Ted was going to handle the news of his brothers passing.

A strong sense of guilt and sadness washed over her again.

She sobbed once more and continued to hold onto his forearm.

"Harry! NO!" Remus's yell had caused Eleanor turn her head just in time to watch her nephew break free from his grip and run through the same passage way Bellatrix and Lucius walked through.

She watched him disappear before her very own eyes.

Immediately she stood herself up and began to follow him at apace.

"El don't!" Remus had begged, but she ignored him and sought after Harry behind the passage way.

Tonks had to practically hold Remus back from letting him going after her.

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