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His memory of her soft lips never left his mind

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His memory of her soft lips never left his mind. It had been a week at most, when he was alone to rest all he could do was stay awake, sleeplessly dream about her and for all that she was.

To Severus this was a whole new feeling, he'd only been in love with one girl growing up– a girl he felt portraid by, Lily never loved him and he knew it to be true. He held that heartbreak for years on end.

When Eleanor was a student with him, Severus knew he was somewhat intrested in her, not compared to Lily but still thought Eleanor was alluring. It wasnt like Eleanor knew him back then, she didnt notice the seventh year slytherin stealing glances from a distance.

Falling in love was all new to him, he forgot how it felt to have his breath taken away or trying not to embarrass himself or finding the right words to say.

But the way she kissed him, even if it was just on the cheek- it effected him so much some how.

Severus was thinking about all this while his second year students worked on their swelling solution. He acted as if he was reading notebooks but the whole reason why Eleanor came to his mind was her handwriting in Neville Longbottoms notebook that corrected his essay.

She was so smart and caring, if she would let him he'd get on one knee and—


Snape looked over to see that Goyle's swelling solution had spattered on shrieking students. Calmly Snape authorized the students to form a line for a deflating draughts to those who got splashed. After they were all cleaned and they were ok, Snape went to examine Goyle's cauldron to see it's been tempered with by a fire cracker.

Immediately Snape looked up catching the eyes of Harry Potter, "I will find out who has thrown this and when I do I'll have them expelled!" He warned but fully knew it was Harry who looked back at him with a dirty look. 

If it wasnt for Eleanor, Potter would have been picked up by his cloak that very moment.

When term ended and Christmas break had arrived, Eleanor stayed at the castle once again mostly to help make children who stayed at the castle feel more safe knowing she was around.

"Happy Christmas!" Shouts Neville Longbottom again who gave her another one of his squeeze hugs before leaving.

Eleanor smiled at the dear boy, besides Harry, Neville was a student she would defend with her life.

Once Professor Snape got into Neville view he was quick to let go of his favorite Professor saying,"Bye Professor Adler" and ran off.

Knowingly Eleanor crossed her arms, turning a heal to see Snape with a pleased smile on his face.

"Why do you bully the poor boy? No wonder he's scared of you." Eleanor comments as she walked back into her classroom where Snape followed behind.

"Just a hobby of mine." Severus said wickedly.

"Oh yes, because torturing students is so much fun!" She said sarcastically.

Their conversation ended elsewhere as she watched from the classroom window, Eleanor had a saddened expression on her face that didnt go unnoticed by the potions master.

She had been thinking of the chamber of secrets, whatever is doing this to students and the fact that Colin Creevy wont be joining his family for Christmas. Shes lucky Harry isnt Muggleborn, but some are less fortunate.

"Its not like they're dead." Snape had somehow caught onto what she'd been thinking, "Its not as dangerous as it is scary. We are living in a world of problematic fear, we should be grateful it's not as serious." Eleanor listened to him and said nothing her full attention was outside. She knew he was right but at the same time it's bad either way to look at it, to be petrified or actually dead, it's scary for everyone. Especially the students who rumored Harry to have opened the chamber of secrets in the first place.

She felt a touch on her shoulder and immediately turned to meet the chest of Severus who only stared down at her carefully.

His eyes were so tender with a fixed gaze. Eleanor felt as if she was being trapped by him, but trapped wasn't the right word, more like supported. Like he was giving her the comfort she needed mentally. Just by the look in his eyes, she felt safe.

She felt protected.

"Severus—" She whispered quietly, but he began to lean in as Snape looked to her lips.

Instantly she knew what he was doing, but she didn't care. She let him lean his face forward. Her breath met his own, it was slow and held in.

Without a moment Snape put his hand around her waist for their lips to barely touch and—

"Professor?" Asked Harry Potter who stood in the doorway.

Immediately Eleanor jumped away, leaving Snape with his back turned to Harry, which was a rather good thing. Severus's clenched jaw. His stone cold glare could possibly kill if it were possible.

Eleanor acted as if she wasn't doing what it looked like they were doing and casually came up to Harry trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. "What do you need?" She asked the boy who stared confusedly between Professor Adler and Snape who still had his back turned.

"I was just wondering if you were going to stay, for the holiday.." Harry trailed off from what he was originally going to ask, but Snape was right there. Snape would have buried him six feet under for asking out of curiosity about the history of the Malfoy Family and their connections to the heir of slytherin.

"Of course, why? Is something wrong?" Shes asked leaning against the doorframe.

Harry had to lie and say, "I'm just scared, like really, really, scared about the chamber of secrets opening."

"Oh Harry," Eleanor brought him in for a hug, "You're the bravest wizard I know. There is nothing to worry about. Nothing is going to harm you, not when I'm around. Understood?" She looked down to him.

Harry took that meaningful saying to heart, he knew she meant every word, she was the most caring teacher he's ever known— let alone woman besides Mrs Weasley. "Thank you Professor." Harry smiled softly and let go of her embrace to walk away just before giving Snapes figure a narrowed looked.

"Is he gone?" Severus called without turning around.

Eleanor was quiet and she stayed quiet. He turned around to see her still leaning at her doorframe holding herself with closed eyes.

"This wasn't a good idea anyways." She finally said with her eyes still shut. "It was inappropriate and stupid of me."

Snape approached her, she avoided his eye contact, she acted as if she was ashamed of what almost happened. "Its not you, its m—"

"I don't want to hear it." Snape finally said and walked out of her room completely.

She heard his own door slam shut and that's when she lost it, sinking down onto the floor she wept a bit trying to hide her face in her palms.

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