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Eleanor woke up to pounding on her door

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Eleanor woke up to pounding on her door. She instantly got up, wrapping her night robe around her waist and tying it in a knot. In panic mode she raced to the door thinking of the worst. She felt a splash of fear hit her when she swung open the door.

It was Severus, then Filch and Dumbledore... she stared up at them confused as Dumbledore gave her a small smile. "Good early morning to you Professor." He said with a cheerful and quiet voice.

Filch pushed through Eleanor, almost shoving her aside invading her chamber holding a lantern to every corner of the room as his cat followed in.

"What are you—" She exclaimed turning back around to see Severus now brushing passed her more carefully than Filch with a wand in his hand.

"We are searching the castle for Sirius Black." Said Dumbledore, "I was sent concerning news from the Gryffindor Dormitory that Sirius had broken in with a weapon."

"A weapon?" Eleanor asked in horror

"He had a knife." Eleanor turned to Severus's voice, "Standing over the bed of mister Weasley." Snape opened her closet door, checking it before shutting it quickly "Wonder how he got in the castle." Snape purposly muttered outloud given their last conversation a few weeks ago.

Eleanor felt her heart drop, not wanting to believe that Remus had been the one letting Sirius into the castle. The smallest part of her wanted to side with Severus, understanding why he would think that. But this was Remus Lupin he was talking about, a loyal friend to James, a friend of hers. He'd never hurt anyone, not even a fly.

"Is he alright? The boy? Is everyone okay?" She asked more to Dumbledore, shifting her concerns elsewhere.

"Weasley is fine, he was just a bit frightened is all." Calmly said Dumbledore but Eleanor could only imagine how terrifying it was for the boy.

"Might hurry it up a bit, miss Eleanor needs her rest I assure." Spoke up Dumbledore as filch grumbled after looking under her bed.

"Its clear." Said filch as he pushed through Eleanor again making her hit her door. She glared at him as he continued off.

"Well, I bid you goodnight Professor, Severus? Shall we go?" Called Dumbledore to the potions teacher who stood hesitantly in the middle of her room, taking one last check before heading out, giving Eleanor a hard glance then followed filch.

Eleanor didn't sleep much that night, she was wide awake, over thinking about Remus being the one to let the prisoner in, many sinareos went through her head of versions of Remus that would do such a thing. Eleanor couldn't believe any of them, because he wouldn't do that and Snape was just being an ase... but how does Sirius Black keep breaking into the castle? This time he had a weapon. He could of killed Harry or anyone. The last thing she wanted to do was organize a students funeral.

She was exhausted by morning, she didn't sleep at all due to feeling a slight mistrust from her peer Remus. Which is why Eleanor eyed him all throughout breakfast, he ate quietly, he looked like a man of humble meaning, classic Remus. She couldn't believe that this was the man Snape accused of smuggling Black into the school. He was kind, caring, just a humble soul. She wanted to hit herself for even considering that there had been a slight chance that Snape was right.

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