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It's been quite the journey for the two of us, particularly in the past few years. Even though it may seem traumatic for the most part, I try to see the good in what has happened. In this case, I've met and befriended the most intense, charming man with morals that only seem to influence my well being in the best of ways. Never in my life have I felt as safe and comforted as when I'm with you. You are the first person I think of when something good happens and you are the first person I want to turn to when it's something bad. When I am with you, I feel like everything that's wrong in the world has been set to pause. You take such good care of me and all I ever want to do is to take care of you the same way. This past school year has made me realize that I don't see you just as a friend and I don't think I ever have or will. Severus, I love you and you entirely. If you're willing, I hope that we can try this out for the both of us, but if not that's fine. I just hope it won't change anything. You're too special for me to lose.

Happy Christmas, Severus.

Love, Eleanor

Severus didn't sleep that entire night.

He couldn't believe it. He doubted it multiple times and thought that it must have been some sort sick joke one of the Weasley kids must have pulled on him to get his hopes up, but her handwriting was too authentic for it to be fake.

There were sentences that seemed to be sat on, where the quill had been pressed too long on the thick parchment for it bleed through.

He couldn't be more than overwhelmed with passionate bliss from what he had read.

For the first time in a long time, this had been her decision to finally allow herself to open up to her feelings without it being forced upon or unwanted by herself and for that, Severus had been so proud.

The amount of times he re-read Eleanor's words seemed infinite and everytime he felt himself start to become more and more aggravated with the timing of this.

He wanted nothing more than to love her and to let her take care of him the same way he wanted to continue to take care of her, but giving into love was only going to hurt her more when he breaks her heart.

And he was going to shatter it.

There was too much on his mind and too little of time.

He was out to do the task in killing Albus Dumbledore, out to mislead the Dark Lord with the chances of getting himself killed to make sure neither Eleanor or Harry were in Lord Voldemort's physical reach.

Severus still needed to find a way and the time to form a plan for everything to work out the way that he would like it to, even if it costed everything to him.

It was such a tough decision for him to make, but by the early morning sunrise Severus had made up his decision and tossed the letter into drawer of his writing desk next to the many letters he's kept secret for the past year.

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