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Being followed into the night wasn't something Ted had in mind

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Being followed into the night wasn't something Ted had in mind.

Quite frankly, he was unsure if he was or not. Perhaps his paranoia was getting the best of him again, but he couldn't shake the fact that a tall man in the dark coat had been following closely beind for the past few blocks and it surely hasn't gone unnoticed since he's left the bank.

To this, Ted tightened his grip on his brief case as he continued walking home.

It was a quick walk to his flat and with the traffic outside of his building he didn't think to be in much danger, but Ted still took precautions as he stepped up to his door and fiddled with his keys.

He turned his head and watched the figure walking his way along the sidewalk.

If it wasn't for the dim lights hitting the pavement, Ted wouldn't have gotten the glance of the strangers dark eyes staring directly up at him.

He swallowed thickly, but just as he was about to panic he watched the tall man walk right passed him and continued his way down the side walk.

Ted had let out a sigh of relief.

"Bloody hell." He mumbled to himself, finally able to unlock his door and allowed himself into the darkness of his home.

Without a moment to waste, Ted closed the door with a quick lock and placed his brief case to the side.

He moved around his flat. Taking off his blazer and loosening the tie around his neck while he looked through the fridge just to see the very little he had of food before he decided on leftover takeout and a bottled beer.

Just as he shut the fridge he stopped in subtle motion to the small sound that came from the livingroom.

He could only make out a slight creak... like someone had took a soft step towards the kitchen.

Someone was in his home.

And it didn't cross his mind a moment more that it had been the man that followed him from work.

Slowly, Ted grabbed a sharp kitchen knife and stayed hidden, pressing his back against the wall that separated where the stranger could be heard approaching and him.

Even though Ted was panicking on the inside, he couldn't help but feel that he was expecting this kind of situation to happen.

Especially after his brother being murdered in cold blood.

He thought about Thomas in this moment— Thinking about what his brother had felt in his last moments of life, wondering if he had felt the same amount of fear as him or had Thomas been just as stubborn and confident that he was going to live.

With footsteps rounding the corner Ted allowed himself to jump out with a knife nearly piercing the tall figures shoulder.

Ted could have easily stabbed him.

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