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Eleanor blinked

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Eleanor blinked.

There stood the boy she had been thinking about and writing thousands of letters to for the past decade.

He looked just like her brother.

Harry Potter stood before the high table where all the professors including herself had stood in appreciation for all these young wizards and witches as the sorting hat was placed on ones head to escort them to the next seven years of their hogwarts journey.

Eleanor couldn't stop beaming, her face in awe. The boy hadn't realized she was his Aunt, nor was he aware of what his aunt had looked like, but she was not to tell him, at least not yet.

"Harry Potter!" McGonagall had called as the entire room became so quiet, you'd be able to hear the scatters of a rat.

The boy walked forward, his eyes looked across the high table at all the professors, for a brief moment he looked into Eleanors eyes then turned around in order to sit.

Eleanor remembered when she was sorted, The hat called Hufflepuff, the next day her mother had sent a letter telling her how being a hufflepuff had her disappointed, but that was only because her family had been prideful of the Gryffindor name. Other houses to them looked weak in their eyes. Although, her brother was the only one that was really supportive.

He always was.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted, Eleanor was the first to clap in which many others followed. Harry went to his table joined with fellow friends he had recently made.

"And I'd like to give a special announcement, we have a new Professor this year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Professor Eleanor Adler will be teaching and offering a study class for those that need the help she is willing to give so kindly." Dumbledore announced as the brunette woman stood up nervously to be recognized by the hundreds of students in front of her with a genuine smile before she sat herself back down.

"Oi, ain't she a woman George?"
"Yes she is Fred." The weasley twins fired up the look of the new Professor.

All around the room students had been talking about her.

"Shes so pretty." Says a ravenclaw girl

"I think shes too young, honestly thought she was a student." A hufflepuff boy had said

Eleanor sat in between Professor Sprout and Hagrid as she enjoyed a plate of mash, roasted carrots and lemon chicken.

Her eyes had still been glued to the boy as he ate and already seemed to have made friends at the gryffindor table, including the mighty ghost of Sir Nicolas.

"I mus' warn yer'.." Hagrid whispered down to the woman who was four times less his size."Be careful bout gettin' recognized, yer' never know what these kids be rumorin' bout'."

She listened to his words and understood, even if Harry were to find out, she'd have to tell him to keep it a secret. She didn't want certain people to have information that can get her hurt or possibly killed.

"Thank you Hagrid, but I'll be fine." She gave him a kind smile before looking back to Harry.

After dinner she watched Harry safely leave the Great Hall and follow his house prefect along with the other young students.

She could already see the pressure the boy had been under within his first hour of arriving.

He looked so clueless and bewildered by the simplest of magic.

"He'll be fine." Dumbledore said to her, "Get some rest, you'll need it for the big day tomorrow."

Eleanor only gave the wizard a not before he headed towards her sleeping chamber.

As she walked down the hallway she noticed a black shadow figure that stood unlocking a door opposite of her own.

"Hello there." She said with a quiet voice as if she were to wake a baby.

For a moment Eleanor had gotten a good glimpse of him through the dim halls. He was tall, hair dark and shoulder length, a very lean pale man with a narrowed jawline. He couldn't have been much older than herself.

The man turned with a raised eyebrow before he realised who she was, he spotted it immediately. Severus Snape ignored her greeting and finally opened his door. Slamming it behind him to quickly avoid conversation, but behind what she assumed to just be a rude man was a man who knew her to be his enemies sister. She didn't know him, but he was very aware of the Potter family.

Eleanor crossed her arms as she went into her room quietly. "What was his problem?" She muttered amongst herself.

The rest of the night she sat up mostly restless, her head pondered with a slight fear as the twisting sensation would appear in her stomach within minutes of overthinking.

That same night she felt a connection, as if Harry was doing the same as her, sitting against the window, hoping for the same thing.

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