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"It's quiet this morning

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"It's quiet this morning." Eleanor spoke up, bringing Severus's attention away from his cereal to eye their surroundings.

It had been quiet, more than usual.

There was the normal amount of students who sat and ate breakfast in the Great Hall, but somehow it seemed almost empty by the lack of conversations happening.

Eleanor bit the inside to her cheek to stop her from immediately frowning.

Something wasn't right.

"It must be one of those mornings..." Confessed Severus, thinking that everyone had just been tired. That is until he caught sight of an empty chair at the high table.

It was odd, Slughorn always ate breakfast. Usually he would be talking someone's ear off about how excellent his slug club meetings were going.

Now Severus definitely knew that something had been up.

It was almost instant when Severus's narrowed gaze lead to the gryffindor table.

It made sense, of course Potter and his friends weren't there.

Immediately after, Eleanor noticed the same thing as she tensed up in her seat.

"They're missing." She muttered under her breath

"It's okay." Severus's hushed tone was loud enough for only Eleanor to hear. "I'm sure they just got themselves caught up in something irrelevant." He took a long sip of his coffee before he called at the gryffindor table, "Longbottom!"

The boy's head shot up instantly from his breakfast to see Professor Snape beckoning him over to where he was sitting.

"Oh no." Neville whimpers to himself as he got up quickly to walk over to the high table.

His eyes looked back and forth between Professor Snape and Adler. There was comfort in Eleanor's eyes which let him know he wasn't in trouble.

It relaxed him.

"Yes?" Neville asked trying his best not to sound anxious standing in front of Snape.

But before Severus could open his mouth Eleanor was the one to ask as she leaned over the table a bit, "Hello, Neville. Do you happen to know where Harry and his friends are?"

"Uh, yeah. I believe they're at the hospital wing. At least that's where Hermione had told me where she was going this morning." Neville watched as Snape and Adler gave eachother a look.

Eleanor was nearly running down the corridor to make it to the hospital wing. Severus kept up with her pace easily as they approached the entrance.

"What happened?" Severus's voice nearly made everyone in the hospital wing jump in suprise.

Out of anyone who would be seeing Ron, Snape was the last person anyone had been expecting.

But it all made sense when Eleanor appeared from behind him with a worried expression.

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