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"You alright there love?" Sirius knocked on the door frame while Eleanor packed her trunk for the new school year

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"You alright there love?" Sirius knocked on the door frame while Eleanor packed her trunk for the new school year. She was happy to know that Harry was able to do the same. "You've been in a bit of a funk."

Eleanor looked over her shoulder and shook her head softly, "I'm fine. Tired is all." In all honesty she couldn't help, but to rethink what Severus had said to her the other day. It's all shes thought about, no matter how much she tried to push it aside.

Sirius sent her a comforting smile saying, "You know you can tell me anything right?"

Eleanor threw a stack of clothes on the bed to be folded, she hummed in response.

Sirius stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her waist and brought her hand to his chest, he tried his best to make her feel secure and safe. "You feel that?" He asked. She felt the beat of his heart. "I want you to remember that feeling while you're away. That our hearts beat as one and always will." He put her hand on her own chest. "The same rhythm."

She smiled up at him softly, "Yeah...I don't think that's how it works, but that's very sweet."

"We're having a moment, don't ruin it." Sirius grinned while she broke out into laughter followed by his own.

Sirius paused for a moment, "Truly though, I will miss you." He spoke.

Eleanor stared up at him, a smile spread across her face as she breathed out. "I'll always miss you."

A toothy grin was a response from Sirius before he placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I love you dearly."

"I love you."

Harry slowly walked in the room feeling unannounced. They both turned to look at him.

"Sorry— but we're going to be late." Harry spoke

Eleanor quickly turned to the clock to see that the train would be leaving shortly. "Shit."

She quickly grabbed her wand and had her clothes quickly folded and sorted into her trunk properly.

The three trotted down stairs as Eleanor prepared to apparate.

Sirius hung onto both Eleanor and Harry. "I'll see you both very soon. Harry— enjoy every moment. Promise?"


Sirius sent him a wink before sending Eleanor a tender stare. "Write me, once you arrive."

"Of course." She said before she pressed her lips to his own. "I love you."

He gave her a watery look before glancing back to Harry. "I'll see you soon! Catch the snitch for me Harry!"

Harry smiled at Sirius before everything seemed to disappear and morph into a new reality.

They once again stood not far from the station. They were practically late and this brought an all too familiar feeling from Harry's second year. He began to have a panic attack in fear that he would miss the train.

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