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It was beautiful

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It was beautiful.

The jewelled necklace of the prettiest turquoise blue diamond Eleanor has ever seen. Though the chain around it looked warn or how the box it had been placed in looked as if it was thrown around a few twenty times, beaten up with all its dirty smudges and scuff marks, but Eleanor didn't care.

She smiled ear to ear at the darling necklace that stared back at her.

It had been Christmas morning, she found the necklace without a label or note from who or where it came from sitting in front of the door of her chamber.

She wondered, who would have sent this? Was it a secret admirer? was it left there or dropped by accident? But on a Christmas morning it seemed more purposeful that it was addressed to her.

But Eleanor wasn't the only one who got a gift by anonymous...

"A firebolt?" She questioned later that morning pacing around her empty classroom where studnets wouldn't be back till the end of their christmas break. Eleanor couldn't believe it, who would get Harry a brand new broom? It had been during breakfast when Harry had tackled Eleanor into a hug, thinking that she had bought him the broom.

But Eleanor denied that she got it for him, because she knew for a fact that she did not get him a new broom. Just the week before she had been in the local shops looking to buy him one, but all were too much out of price or sold out for her to purchase one for him. So, when Harry gave his aunt a questionable look in response to her own confusion, she told him that she did not buy that broom.

Eleanor had a feeling the person who got her the necklace had gotten Harry the firebolt.

"I wish I could say it was me." Said Remus after Eleanor had asked him, she made it sound more of a big deal than it should have been. She felt bad, she was the one who was suppose to buy Harry nice things... not some non-relative.

Eleanor collapsed on her desk chair, as Remus leaned over a seat, listening to her rant patiently. "Whoever got him the broom must have known he broke his own."

"Well... its Christmas,  maybe it was the big man up north." Tried Remus with a grin on his face

"Don't start with santa claus." Eleanor stated looking back to Remus trying not to form a shy grin.

"Look," said Remus who tried to get her to stop worrying. "Harry got a broom. He's happy. That's all that matters." He reasured her and grabbed something from his pocket. "Now, it's no diomand necklace, but Merry Christmas." He handed her a bar of chocolate, "Sorry I didn't wrap it."

Eleanor blinked at him, "I- I didn't get you anything..." now she really felt horrible.

"Never the need, little El. Being in your presence is enough of a gift to cherish." He said down to her, but for him, it really was. He had nothing in life, nobody to talk to until he saw Eleanor again. To know that she is safe and healthy is more of a gift than a lousy bar of candy.

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