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Summer vacation came to an end, Eleanor had felt as if she had only closed her eyes to rest than to be woken up once more

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Summer vacation came to an end, Eleanor had felt as if she had only closed her eyes to rest than to be woken up once more. She wasn't looking forward to spend her year locked away in her classroom, of course she had company to talk to like her star student Neville Longbottom, sometimes Mcgonagall or Hagrid... even Snape.

Looking back at the thought, she wondered how Snape spent his summer break. Probably at home reading, he seems like the sort– Eleanor thought. It took Eleanor alot of persuasion to get in contact with her old bestfriend, that decision left her hungover the next day. Beyond that shes happy she at least had someone to talk to.

"You really didn't have to drop me off at the station." Says Eleanor who stood at the empty station, just ten minutes before more kids will start to arrive the Hogwarts Express.

Seria who had her kids with her brushed it off, "I just wanted an excuse to get off work, oh and being a good friend!" She bounced two year old William in her arms.

"Well, thank you." Eleanor smiled giving Seria a hug. Eleanor had also said goodbye to the boys, neither of the twins cared.

"Ungrateful brats I tell you." Seria muttered of her kids just before Eleanor had entered the almost empty train.

Finding a empty compartment, she leaned back and planed on spending most of her time reading. That is until she was interrupted.

"Hello there!" A dashing smile headed her way after he shoved himself into the random compartment, fan girls passed as he tried to hide himself and immediately she recognized it to be Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Hi." She said than looked down at her book.

Shoving his suitcase above, he sat across from her, which caused Eleanor to look up again from her book.

He fiddled with his hair from his reflection of the window, smiling at himself and messed with a strand of hair hat was in front of his face. "What you think? Curl or no curl?"

She blinked at him. For two, three, four seconds. "No curl."

"Curl it is." His fingers pinched the golden strand which bounce on his forehead.

Her eyes wide than dropped, scratching her head she went back to her book. Until she was interrupted— again.

"You look older than a Hogwarts student?" Lockhart questioned eyeing her.

"I'm not a student, I'm a professor." Her voice was so monotoned it scared herself. Is this what it was like to be Snape?

"Oh!" This changed Lockharts mood instantly, he sent her one of his dashing white smiles and extending his hand to her own. "My apologies miss...." he waited

Clearing her throat she spoke, "Eleanor Adler." Forcing herself to extend her hand, she gave his own a small shake but her hand was yeeted toward his face where he kissed her knuckles.

"And you must know who I am, Gilderoy Lockhart. You should consider yourself lucky Ms Adler, I don't give many of those out." He winked.

This was the most self absorbed man Eleanor had ever laid her eyes upon. She didnt know if he was joking or if this was the real thing.
Of course this was a real thing he as a picture of himself on his pocket watch!

"Charmed." Eleanor smiled fakly back into her seat where she practically hid her face in her book.

Eleanor was surprised for a moment, he hadnt said anything to her for ten seconds. Peeping her eyes at him from behind her book, she regretted it deeply.

He was staring at her waiting until he had gotten her attention, the moment she looked was the moment he said, "What are you reading?"

"A book on how to take a hint." Eleanor hoped that he actually gotten the hint that she didnt want to be bothered.

His face snarled a bit, "That doesn't sound like a fun book—HERE!" He exclaimed, his hands picked up stacks of books. Which were his of course.

"Which ones have you read?" He asked

"Cant say that I have, yet." Eleanor mumbled.

His face in shock, he almost had a frown line. "Well have I got a treat for you—" he began.

The train ride to Hogwarts was the most exhausting thing Eleanor had ever sat through. For two and a half hours she listened to Lockhart talk about his books. In order. The man really liked to talk about himself, more than he liked talking about others talking about himself.

By the time the train arrived to Hogwarts Eleanor had walked out in a hurry with LockLockhart on her heels. "You know what I'll do, for you— I'll give you my whole collection free of charge. Just because I like you so much!"

"I'm flattered Professor, really. But I really must be unpacking." She walked to her sleeping chambers. Struggling to unlock her door with a special key so students couldn't use magic to break in.

"I'll save you a seat at dinner!" He called which Eleanor didnt respond to, only shutting the door behind her with a little slam.

Leaning against the door she sinked, tossing her bag over to the corner which she didnt feel like unpacking.

The door knocked.

"Ughhhh." Eleanor groaned loudly, "What?" She opened the door expecting it to be Lockhart standing outside but instead it was Dumbledore.

The two of them walked to the potions class where reportedly filtch had brought the Harry and Ron who crashed into the whomping willow with a flying car.

Eleanor heard snape threatening to expel the boys just as the two of them had walked in. Mcgonagall had the boys sat out by the fireplace where the both looked guilty.

Harry avoided eye contact with both Professors, merely Dumbledore because he was the headmaster and Eleanor because he knew shed be disappointed to hear the news.

For a brief moment Eleanor shared a look with Snape who stood at the other side of the room. He didn't smile nor frown. Just a straight face at her.

"Please explain why you did this." Spoke Dumbledore in a disappointed tone.

Harry told them everything, nobody asked any questions about the car.

"We'll go and get our stuff," said Ron in a hopeless sort of voice.

"What are you talking about, Weasley?" Asked Professor Mcgonagall.

"You're going to expel us, aren't you?" Said Ron.

Harry looked up quickly.

"Not today, mister weasley," both of the boys looked relieved as soon as those words left Dumbledores mouth. "But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you had done. I will be writing to both your families tonight. I must also warn you that if yuu do anything like this his again, I will have no choice, but to expel you."

Eleanor stood there with her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. "You two could have gotten hurt." She finally made her statement, both the boys looked down to their shoes  "Or died— Harry, look at me." He forced himself to look up to see the angered Professor. "You promised me you wouldn't do anything you weren't supposed to, you failed that promise twice." She held up her fingers explained to him like a toddler. It only made him feel worse, but Eleanor had to get it through his head.

"The both of you have let me down greatly." And with that Eleanor left the room. Leaving the conversation with Mcgonagall, Snape and Dumbledore.

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