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That damn alarm clock. Why the fuck do I even set it?

"Saph, turn that shit off," Post groans at me.

Okay, so I completely was not supposed to take molly last night. Wait, what the fuck even happened?

I sit up, finally turning off the alarm and taking in my surroundings.

I was laying next to Austin (Post) in just a big t-shirt. Surrounding us was a bunch of cigarette buds, roaches, and solo cups. (roaches are the end of a blunt) I looked over to the table to see a bottle of coconut rum and vodka. Why the fuck did I think that would be a good combination?

"Shit Ausy, I gotta get back-" I say, getting out of bed and throwing on my jeans.

Me and Post Malone go way back. Only I can call him Ausy (ah-see), it's just how things work. It's not like a 'we're fucking' privilege because it's not even like that.

It's more of a 'we do molly and sometimes coke together and can't mention it to anyone else' type of close.

He didn't bother to say anything, just rolled over and fell back asleep. He knew I would end up texting him later anyways.

I check my phone to see a text from Claudia, asking if I was coming home this morning.

Claudia Sulewski was my preppy, everyday california girl roommate who went on jogs and makes protein smoothies every single day. She was hot, and had her shit together as a famous youtuber.

Kinda crazy about how we met and became roommates in the first place, but that's a story for another time.

SAPH: i'll be home soon

I sit in my car, turning the key and cranking the AC up. Driving when your high is the best feeling.

Sometimes you don't even realize you're going 20 in a 45 because the sense of speed is just completely gone. You're just flying.

I've gotten better at it though. Becoming aware of my senses even whenever they are burnt out from the drugs.

Music. Yes. I turned on my apple music and hit shuffle on the playlist. The tunes, the base everything tingled my muscles just enough to help myself feel the petal as I drove.

I think the worst part about this, was that I loved it. I loved the adventure, the danger, the feeling of just not knowing what's going to happen next.

I pulled up into my parking space in front of my apartment complex.

I've gotten good at just acting like I have super bad allergies. No one would ever suspect I was hungover.

I got out of the car and walked up to apartment 235, jingling my keys into the door and stepping inside.

It always smelled so new. Never like old cigarette buds or pot. Of course I had pot here, just in a concealed case.

"Hey!" Claudia yells at me from the kitchen. I sigh, kicking off my shoes and heading in there to speak with her.

I walk into the kitchen with a weak smile, honestly still a little high from the drugs I took last night.

"Hey babe, what'cha making?" I ask, jumping on the counter.

"I just made a chocolate protein shake for my vlog, want to try some?" She takes a glass out from the cabinet and pours me some.

This was her nice way of saying, 'I know you're hungover, here's something to help you look more alive.'

I took it and immediately gulped some of it down. I had complete trust with Claudia and how things taste. She always made good shit.

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