Are you the one? (Pt.1)

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**These next few chapters will consist of a storyline based off of the reality tv show called 'are you the one. watch trailer to better understand the game above!**

10 people

5 matches

All constructed by professional matchmakers. Will you choose correctly and win the million dollar prize?

All contestants are to stay in a mansion in Hawaii for 5 weeks, trying to determine who their 'perfect match' is. Contestants are mixed between famous actors/singers and just regular people around the world. 


~Y/n POV:~

The first thing I notice once I walk through the doors of the house is-

Holy shit that's Justin Bieber. 

I smile and wave at everyone, dragging along my suitcase with me. 5 weeks. 

"Hi!" I say, walking over to the group of people standing around the counter. 

There was Justin Bieber, Tana Mongeau, Harry Styles, and another guy I didn't recognize. 

"Hey there, I'm Max," the stranger says, coming up to embrace me in a hug.

I hug him back as Justin hands me a drink, "I'm pretty sure you can see who we are."

Everyone starts to laugh and I laugh along with them. Cocky much?

I knew what I was bringing myself into coming here, and I was prepared to take it all on. 

I gaze over to see more people coming in as a crowd. 

In next came Liliane, known as ppcocaine, Brandon, known as Que, Luis, from One Direction, and two other girls straggling in the back. 

I practically choked on my soda as I saw Billie fucking Eilish walking in with some new girl. Billie would do something like this?

I smile, walking over to everyone as we all exchanged hugs. I could tell Billie was completely into Justin immediately. It wasn't that hard to tell. 

Lilliane approaches me and brings me into a tight hug, "Hi! I don't think I caught your name?"

"It's y/n," I say, not really interested in the conversation. 

I saw her all up on Que just a second ago. What kind of hoe is already grinding on bitches?

"Alright everyone hello!" 

We are all prompted to go outside and meet our host, Jake. 

All of us cheer at the sight of him as we all stand outside on one of the back porches. 

"How is everyone settling in?" he asks with a grin.

"Good" everyone chimes.

"Good! That's good! As you all know, there are 10 people here, which means there are 5 potential perfect matches that all of you have to figure out. 

If you figure out the 5 matches, all of you go home with one million dollars. If not, there are no matches and no prize money."

I look around to see Harry and Molly cuddled in each others arms, as well as Billie and Justin. I can see who we will be looking in on first. 

"The only true way to find out if you are a true match or not, is to enter the truth booth. There, it will tell you if you have found your perfect match or not. 

At the end of each week, everyone will have a chance to partner up to who they may think is their perfect match. 

If all 5 perfect matches size up, the game is over and you win. If not, it's another week to try again. Sound good?"

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