pirate (ONE PART ONLY)

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"Stay the fuck down y/n!" Carter yells at me from the kitchen.

I crouch behind the dining room table, slowly peeking to see what the actual hell was going on. It was just a normal Saturday for us, and suddenly, people start fucking shooting into my house? AND Carter pulls out a gun??

"Carter!" I yell, "What the hell is going on!"

He looks back at me before pressing his neck, "Boss, they've got me surrounded. I can't take them down and protect the piece- you want me to what? I can't- okay, okay. Understood."

I stare at him in confusion as the others open fire again. I duck down, covering my head, looking around for a weapon to protect myself. Of course I knew how to kick ass, I just never thought in a million years Carter even knew what the fuck a gun even was.

I spot a small knife, not too far away from me. It would blow my cover, but I wasn't fixing to not have anything to defend myself. I quickly look up at the scene again, spotting another person shooting with Carter. My house was completely destroyed, bullets entering every possible wall.

Looking over at the knife again, I decided this was the right time. A lot of the guys have been taken out, and no one would suspect me because I haven't been spotted yet. I slowly crawl out into the space, slowly gripping the knife. Just as I have my hands on it, someone grabs me by the waist, yanking me in the air.

"Carter!" I scream.

The person puts their hand over my mouth, muffling my screams as they pull me out towards the back of my house. I struggle to pull my arm that held the knife out of their grasp. Once I did, I cut their hand that was over my mouth.

They groaned and quickly let go of me, "Jesus Carter, you're friends a bitch."

He pressed his neck too as he said this. He held his hand and looked into the air as if he was listening to something. Did he have a fucking com in?

I stand up and point the knife at him, "Leave me the fuck alone."

He looks over at me, "I'm trying to save you. You know, from the fucking guys who are destroying your house??"

Now that I got a better look at him, his face seemed extremely pudgy. He was young, and seemed super inexperienced at his job. Someone I could take on easily. He slowly pulls out a round device that held a liquid substance in it.

"Please don't make this difficult, it's what the boss wants," he says, slowly walking towards me.

I shake my head, staring him in his eyes. He suddenly catches me off guard as he throws the knife out of my hand, tackling me to the ground. I wrestle his arm that had the device in it, rolling on top of him. I could see the train of focus in his eyes as he pushes me off of him.

"I'm going to fucking need some backup here!" he yells.

I get up and go to the far side of the room, next to a door. Many would think that it is a closet, but in fact it is a secret door that leads outback. Once the others arrive in, I quickly open the door and run. There's a gun in the bag above the washer. I just have to get there in time. I could hear them running after me, so I threw some things down as a hassle to get through.

Practically sliding around the corner, I spotted the washer machine. I sprinted that way, throwing down an entire dresser on the way. Once I arrived, I frantically looked at the shelf above the washer to spot a black bag.

My hands were shaking, but I couldn't stop. I threw the bag down and got on my knees as I searched threw the pockets.

"Y/n!" I could hear them yelling my name as at least 4 of them came running my way.

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