I am gay (pt.3)

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"No she definitely needs to stay in the boot," I say, looking at the scans.

I am currently consulting with a doctor here in Portugal, looking at Billies ankle scans.

"She's torn a couple ligaments here and here," she says, pointing them out.

I sigh and lean back on the table, "I think I'll let her jump but very minimum. It'll only make it worse, but I know she won't listen. We can prescribe pain meds, and I'll keep an eye on swelling."

I finished talking to her doctor, letting her chart everything and write the prescriptions as I head out into the hall. I look down and check my watch for the time before opening the room that held Billie and her mom.

I smile and carefully sit next to her, "Good news, we are letting you jump tonight."

She looks up at me and hugs me, "Thank you thank you thank you!"

I hug her back and pull away, looking into her eyes, "But, you have to be off of it other than that. Elevation, ice, and boot. For 3 weeks, no acceptions."

The smile slid off her face, "Three weeks? Are you sure?"

I take her hands in mine, "I know it's going to suck my love, but I'm absolutely sure. I don't want you to be needing surgery and being out even longer."

She frowns but nods, "Okay, I understand. Can we go now?"

I nod as me and Billie and Maggie all head out to the car and to the set. Billie has to do sound check, and get ready for her show tonight. I'm still nervous about her jumping but, she only has two more shows here. Then again, two shows could be all it takes to completely fuck up her ankle.


     "I just kinda wish you were gay," I sit next to Finneas, under his piano set as I watch Billie in awe.

She's so beautiful, and it's just practice. I can't wait to watch thousands of people sing along with her. Once the song ended, she looked back at me and winked. I smile, not really understanding why.
"Hey! Can you help me back in the green room for a second?" Maggie lightly taps me on the shoulder.

I look back and nod, getting up and following her backstage. This was our normal routine back in the US. I would go and help Maggie run arons in the back while Billie did practice. Then we would all come together for the hour before meet and greets.

"So, you and Billie have decided to go official?" Maggie says excitedly.

She's always supported us from day one, even before we knew it ourselves.

"Yes! I'm so proud of her for wanting to do this, I know the price that comes with it can be kind of, well... messy," I say.

Maggie nods as she finishes writing an email on her computer, "I think it's a beautiful thing, and that her fans will love it."

I completely agreed with her. Her fans are going to be so happy for her, I know that. I'm just not so sure if she will be able to take the hate that comes with it. We filmed all the good girls go to hell a couple weeks ago and she was planning on releasing it on her last night here. I know she was a bit afraid, even if she didn't act like she was.

About 30 minutes later, Finneas and Billie come strolling into the green room and plop down on the couch. Finneas grabs his computer and heads out, to go and FaceTime Claudia. I smile and walk over to her, sitting down.

She sighs and jumps into my lap, "Will you come and do meet and greats with me?"

I frown and look at her, "Like come with you?"

She nods and leans her head into my chest, "I want them to know first. I know a couple of people who are coming tonight."

I hesitate before nodding, wrapping my arms around her. I was a little nervous to be meeting her fans so soon, fame really wasn't my thing. Sure I was dating a very famous person, but that was all her. I was still just a nobody, since we kept it a secret. I guess things are going to be changing for me very soon. After scrolling through Instagram on Billies phone, we both head to her clothing area to get ready.

I normally don't dress like Billie, but I do wear a lot of her merch. I decided to wear something from her new clothing line, grabbing it off the hanger.

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