Congratulations (NEW)

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"Dad please, I'm actually fucking begging you not to invite them," I whined as I followed him into his office. This weekend was my 18th birthday party and my father wanted it to be big. I wasn't sure if it was necessarily for me, or for business but either way it was happening. 

"Look monkey, they aren't scary people! Plus, you love Billie! Why don't you want her there?" he asks. I sigh and look down at the floor. Because I have a major crush on her and I just fucking know whenever I see her I'll have a heart attack and die. 

"Because of my anxiety dad I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it-" I try and say. 

He sighs and cuts me off, "Okay look, I have to invite her and Finneas just for the looks. I promise she won't talk to you, if you really don't want her to. But I think you should try.. I know how much she means to you." 

I looked up at him and nodded before saying, "I'm taking some fucking drugs before she gets here." 

I walked out of the room as he shouts out at me, "Don't do anything stupid tomorrow! A lot of important people will be here!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I made my way up the stairs. "Don't wear pajamas to the party, put on some makeup, don't drink too much tequila, bah blah behh," I started to mimic my father. 

He was a really famous producer for music and shit I guess; he works with a lot of famous people. I had to try and look presentable, but not too sexy for him. Just so that the paparazzi can't say he neglects me. He truly doesn't, I just hate looking like I own a bunch of shit. People call you stuck up and snobby... and for what? I didn't ask to have all of this. As I make my way into my room, I noticed a bag and note laid out on my bed. 

I walked over to it and scanned the card, "I picked up a nice fitted black dress for tomorrow! Don't worry about having to choose anything. -Nanny."

I smiled and pulled the dress out of the bag. It was nice, yet simple. Exactly what I was looking for. She always knew what to do for me whenever I needed it. I set the dress nicely on the back of my chair before plopping down on my bed. The thing that really sucks about having a famous dad, is that everyone that you talk to kind of has to be famous too. Not because that's your preference, but because the people who aren't tend to steer clear from you. I always kind of hated that factor. 

My phone started to buzz as I received a facetime call from Sabrina. I smiled before answering, "Hello angel." 

She smiles as she sets me down in front of her mirror. I could tell she was in the middle of her makeup routine. "So your party is tomorrow right bitch?" she asks. 

I nod my head, "Yea it is. Honestly, I don't even know who all the fuck is even going." 

She scrunches her nose as she pulls out her lip liner, "Is your dad inviting a bunch of people or some shit?"

I laughed and nodded my head again, "You already fucking know he is! I texted Tyler the other day and he said he was going to come, just later. So I'm totally fucked." 

Sabrina keeps her eyes on the mirror as she asks, "Is he inviting Billie and Finneas?" 

I stayed quiet for a long second, not looking at her. When I looked back, she had a huge smile on her face. My eyes widened in horror, "Sabrina don't you fucking dare! Don't even think about it!" 

She laughs, letting her hair down, "Oh come on! You'll finally get to meet her!" 

I sat up and walked over to my desk, setting my phone down so I could bring my knees up to my chin, "But I can't fucking do that shit! Damn, you know how I get with her." 

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