Are you the one? (pt.3)

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**theo james- max, camellia cabello- molly, king princess- you (for picture reference)**


"Everything has been so hard for me. You know Liliane what if you went into the truth booth with someone you truly cared about and it turned out to not be a match?" I ask her angrily.

It seems like we've been going back and forth for hours about this as hot tears stream down my face.

She shrugs, matching my pissed off energy, "Then I would have to get over the shit you know why Molly? Because this is a game. At the end of the day I'm here for my bag, and my bag only."

I scoff, "You're such a fucking liar, that's why you haven't connected with anyone else in this damn house-"

She comes across the table, pissed as I stand up.

"I haven't connected because these bitch ass boys are too far up the pretty white bitches asses!-" she screams.

"Okay guys can we chill the fuck out here-" Y/n pops in, pulling Liliane aside.

I was so done with everyone's bullshit today. I knew I wanted to be with Harry and that was it. Fuck the experts, fuck the money.

"-No fuck all of this I want to be with Harry, and that's that," I say, slamming the door behind me.


I knew everything was crazy between Harry and Molly, but I felt bad for the dude.

He really kept to himself today, and I decided he needed company. Plus, this would give me time to figure out if he is a potential match of mine or not.

Molly is going to have to get over herself. This is the game, after all.

"Hey," I say to him, sitting next to him in the pool.

He smiles at me, "Hey y/n. How is everything?"

I sigh, laughing, "Well, everything was crazy, but definitely settled down now. The question is, how are you feeling?"

He shakes his head, smiling, "Honestly? Like shit. I just want to be with Molly, and I can't. It doesn't seem right. I don't know what else to do."

"The only thing you can do love, is to start talking to other people, to see who your true match is," I tell him, swimming a little closer to him.

He takes me into his embrace, wrapping his arms around me, "I'm just not sure if I am too ready for it yet. I don't even see myself having any connection with any other girl here."

I scoff, "Ouch Harry! Says the man holding me in his arms."

He laughs, "Oh come on Y/n, we all know you and Luis are a perfect match."

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was probably right. Being in Harry's arms felt comforting, but not in a relationship type of way by any means.

"I guess you're right but, what if he isn't?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "Honestly.. I couldn't tell you. After everything that happened with Molly.. I just couldn't tell you."

I frown, sitting up a little bit as I look into the kitchen to see a very pissed off Molly.

"-No because this bitch is all fucking over my man and it's been one day! One fucking day!"

I roll my eyes, tangling myself out of Harry's embrace and wrapping a towel around myself as I walk into the house.

"What the fuck is up Molly? Don't talk shit if you won't say it to my fucking face," I walk right up to her, getting into her face.

"You're all over Harry out there knowing the shit that went down," she cries, putting her fucking finger in my face.

Billie Eilish Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें