Say it again it sounded good (pt.4)

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Billie was currently sitting across from me, her hands folded in front of her. I sit there next to her, my legs crossed in front of me. I was sort of numb to feeling at the moment as the alcohol finally entered my system. "So honestly how the fuck did you think that was going to end up?" she says. I look down at my fingers, not saying anything. She pulls my head up by my chin with her fingers, "Answer me." I sigh, "I don't know." She laughs and nods her head, "Oh, you don't fucking know huh? If you were anyone else you know your ass would be grass. You would be out of this club so quick."
I sigh loudly, "All of this is because you." Her eyes widen with surprise, she even laughs, "Damn y/n, where's your sense of maturity? This is a business. Shit happens." I stand up, "Yea shit fucking happens yet you still manage to keep me here? Still manage to keep me out of trouble, and jump through hoops for me? Stop pretending Billie!" She puts her knee up and lays her arm lazily on it as she smiles, "Stop pretending?" She takes off her glasses to reveal blood shot eyes. My whole body went cold as I hugged myself, "Billie.. have you been smoking?" She scoffs and shakes her head, "No," she pauses and looks down, "I've been crying. Because of you."
I stay standing in place. I wasn't going to fuck up this moment of her opening up again. "You are the only thing that has made me feel since Lilly-" I cut her off, "I knew I should have sucker punched the bitch when I had the chance-" She cut me off and put her hand on my knee, "Aye ehh no none of that shit right now. Lilly is a conversation for another time." I grow quiet and look down at her hand on my knee. I slowly extend my hand out to touch it but she retracts her hand. I groan in protest, "Why the fuck do you always do that shit to me? What is the point?" She leans her head back and stares at the ceiling before saying loudly, "I don't fucking know! Why do I always have to know the answer to shit with you? Why can't we just do shit how it's been??" I stand up and yell, "Because that's now how life fucking works Billie! There's more than just you in this equation! You're hurting me by just fucking acting like your emotions towards me dont even exist!" She stands up too, "Well has it ever occured to you that having emotions hurts me more?? I'm terrified to feel anything again, to get hurt, to go through and have memories. And for what? What's the point?" Her voice breaks at the end of her sentence.

I walk over to her and take her hands in mine, "Please try and understand." She scoffs and walks over to my desk area, taking a seat on it as she says blandly, "Not like you would try and understand my point of view." I stomp my foot in protest, "So now we are going back to emotionless shit?" She laughs and checks her watch as she says uninterested, "Honestly, I don't fucking know mama. All I know is I have to go soon to greet my guests and get the final numbers." I walk over to her and slam my hands on her thighs, grabbing her attention as I say, "Please. Love. Me." She hesitates before whispering, "Say it again. It sounded good." I lean in, touching her lips to mine as I whisper, "Please Billie. Love me." "I love you," she whispers back quickly. She crashes her lips on mine and pulls me in for a hug. I hug her back and sigh in relief; please tell me I finally have her now. "Please tell me you won't hurt me," she says with immense pain in her voice. I pull back and cradle her face in my hands as I say, "I promise you I won't. You are too precious." I saw a smile creep on her face for the first time in a long time. A genuine smile. My heart swelled with joy. I got her back.

She looks down and checks her watch, "Baby, we have to go and meet the visitors. Come on, I want them to meet you." I help her down as she takes my hand. She hesitates before leaving the room, "Just because I show emotion around you doesn't mean that others get the same treatment love. Remember that." I nod my head and squeeze her hand as we head out into the hallway. Her face goes completely monotone as she throws up hand signals to some of the managers as we walk by them. It's amazing how quickly she can do that. I noticed I still had on my coat and tried to quickly take it off but Billie stopped me, shaking her head, "No baby, you look classy. I like it." I smiled at her as we walked into the club filled with booming music and flashing lights. The girls seemed busy at work; something I would have normally been doing by now. I look ahead of me and see that Billie was directing us towards the bar where three people sat. Two men and one girl. I noticed one of the men was her brother, the other I didn't recognize. As we got closer, my entire body started to freeze with fear. No fucking way.

--- Don't hate me but this is the end of this series for a while! I might come back to it if you guys really really like it :) ---

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