Claudia? (pt.10)

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     It's been about 4 months since I told the press about me and y/n. I cant really say its been the worst 4 months of my life because it hasn't. She really knows how to make something I would consider fucking awful and turn it into something amazing. All I've been doing is sitting in her very tiny, cute apartment, watching her go to work and come home yet its so soothing. She makes it work. Her smile, the way she walks from being on her feet all day, the excitement in her eyes when she tells me all the gory details about her surgery that day. everything was exactly the way it was supposed to be. I called Que a few times from the jail and they said he would be released in 30 days with twelve months probation.

     I guess I was worried the most about the fans. What they would think about all of this; about me leaving and coming back with her. To my surprise, they were actually extremely supportive and begging for more content of me and her. She really hasn't been on her fan page lately, and im glad that no one really figured out about it. it would have been too messy. The only thing that does worry me is when the press asks how we met. I know exactly what she will tell me what to say. "Tell them the truth! Its okay to seem vulnerable at times Billie." I chuckled to myself, going onto my page and scrolling through some of the fan pages. Of course she is right, the truth is always the right thing to do. She's so perfect sometimes it makes me mad.

     Just as I was about to facetime y/n, I recieve a call from Claudia. I hesitate, should I really answer? Do I really want to hear her yell at me for how crazy things have been? I sighed before answering the call, revealing her in complete distress. I frowned, "Claudia?" She sniffs and runs her fingers through her hair before saying, "Hey uhm, have you heard from Finneas? It's been about 5 months since he's been home and its worrying me-" I shake my head, "I'm sorry what? What?? Are you okay?"

     "Uhm," she says, laughing a bit, "I'm pregnant." I sat there with my mouth hanging wide open. Claudia was pregnant and Finneas just left? He's been gone for months? Where did he go, and when did he leave? "Yea, just after he left I found out I guess and uhm, I havent been able to find him since. I dont know what to do Billie. The baby has a heart murmor and they want to do surgery-" she starts to cry a bit, putting her face in her hands. I sigh, "Claudia, why didnt you call me earlier? Or mom? I'm making you come to fly down here with me. Y/n works with hearts in children, I'm sure she can help you."

    She nods her head yes, not really seeming to be here. She looked as if she hasnt had a decent meal in a while, nor showered properly. Someone needs to be taking c are of her, I cant believe Finneas would just leave her. That he would just leave his family. "Claudia, why did he leave?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders, "He was so angry about everything that happened with Que but then he was fine and we worked things out but then he went to go and find you at your house and- he never came home. Your mother said you already left by the time he got there. I dont understand, this isnt like him. Its like he dropped off of the face of earth." My heart started to ache as her words sinked in; this was my fault.

     Finneas was worried about me leaving. He told me not to come here, not to leave. Anger started to boil inside of me, "Damn it Finneas." He doesnt have the right to tell me what to do anymore. I have to start making my own decisions. This still doesnt give him the right to walk out on Claudia and his new baby. I guess im going to have to fix his mess until he decides its the right time to come home. If he is even trying to come home. "How have you tried to find him?" I asked her. "Through his agents and friends. I didnt want to hire anyone to track him down, I didnt think it would have to be that serious," she says. I nod my head, throwing on my shoes and a jacket, "Okay well now it is that serious. Im heading to the hospital to go and get y/n and then we are flying over to you. Start packing." I hung up on Claudia and texted y/n that we had a 911 situation, to meet me in the front lobby and to request the rest of the night off. I had a feeling this was going to be a big emotional rollicoaster not only for Claudia, but for me too.

Y/n POV:

"We have a code blue!" I yell as I race down the hallway and into one of the emergency rooms. A younger girl has coded after having a severe fall at school. The emergency room was completely swamped today with many different patients to treat. It was currently flu season, making things ten times worse for our actual emergent cases. I was unfortunately on the duty of treating everyone this morning, not just minors. It hasn't been that bad, the patients have been easy to diagnose and such, its just a slow process I suppose. once I arrived at the room, I saw that one of my colleges had already started compressions.

"How long has she been down?" I ask. "About fifteen minutes," she says breathlessly. I sigh, "Do you want me to take over for you?" "No!" she yells, "I cant let her die on me. She just came in from a fall at school, that's all it was. She cant die from falling at school." I stepped out of the nurses way, and allowed her to shock the child again a few more times. Sometimes we get in destress like this, and whenever medical professionals are aggressive like this towards their patients, its best to just let then do their thing and try to save them. After about another ten minutes of trying to relieve the code, she finally calls it, "Time of death 11:24."

She slams her gloves off, slowly walking out of the room. I motion for one of the other nurses to go ad check on her while I check on the child. "Has the child's films come back from her head CT?" I ask. The doctor walks in, a bit frantic as he says, "She has a major brain bleed, we have to get her up to the OR now. I'm surprised she's even alive at this rate-" He glances down to see one of the other nurses cover up the young child's face. His expression hardens as he orders everyone to leave the room except for me. I had to do charting to explain what had happened during her coding session, and would have to get a statement from the other nurse later.

I started to feel my phone buzz again, thinking it was another code I quickly picked it up. There were twelve messages and three missed called from Billie. I frantically call her back, my phone resting on my shoulder as I typed away on the computer before me. "Y/n! We have to go back to California now. Claudia's in trouble and needs you-" I stop typing and frown, "Woah wait, what happened?- Slow down its okay just tell me- okay, yes. I will let them know. I can meet you outside in 10 minutes." I hung up the phone on her and sighed, closing my laptop and bringing it with me. I guess I had some work to do on the plane to Cali... Finneas really left Claudia?

----Sorry it took so long for an update! Should I continue this mini series or move onto another imagine?----

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