My Story (pt.9)

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     I sat silently in a conference room, curled up in a heating blanket as cops surrounded me, asking important questions.

"What did he look like?"

"Ma'am, did he touch you or hurt you in any way?"

"Get out of my damn way, she has a head lack and is bleeding from the back of her neck."

     Someone grabs my face and pulls me up toward a light. Everything was such a blur. It all happened so quickly. All I remember was my friend Ginny finding me on the floor. By then, my emotions were completely gone as I lied there scared half to death. After two years, he found me. I was never going to escape him again. It wouldn't take him much to hack into the hospital records and find out where I live. What car I drive. What my cellphone number was. I started to think about Billie and how it was no longer safe for her to be here with me.

     "Y/n? Oh my god, baby," I looked up to see Billie rushing past the cops and doctors. She comes and sits next to me, pulling me close to her and hugging me. Feeling her embrace brings me back to reality as my hearing clears. I started to hear and see how chaotic it was. Many police officers surrounded the table, typing away at their computers and some speaking silently with pictures and papers in front of them. I start to hyperventilate a little before hugging Billie back with shaking hands. "He's going to find me. He-he's back and he wont stop until he finds me-" I start to frantically repeat words and phrases. I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was him, that he was back. He never goes away, no matter how hard I try...

     "Hey! Everyone clear the damn room!" I could hear Billie screaming at everyone. I tightened my grip on her green hoodie, burying my face into her chest. I could hear everyone slowly leaving the room. It was quiet for a few seconds, and I could feel Billie's hands gently run up and down my back. "hey hey mama its okay, I'm here," she whispers. For the first time these past few hours, I could actually catch my breath. My breathing starts to slow down as I started to finally be able to come to my senses. I felt the cold air coming from the vent that was above us, as well as her soft hoodie against my scrubs. I could smell her lavender scented hair and vanilla scented perfume. I could feel my heart rate slowly decline as I started to feel her hands tracing my spine. I slowly look up at her, looking her in her eyes. She looks back at me and smiles. I could tell she was terrified, something else must be going on.

     "What happened while I was at work?" I asked her. She frowns and shakes her head, grabbing my face with both of her hands, "No honey, don't worry about that. I'm okay. What happened with you? Who was that man?" I could feel myself start to get wound up again, "Please don't let him come near you please we have to get you out of here it isn't safe-" She shushes me and makes me lay back down on her chest. One of the officers came in and stood at the door. "We have to ask her a few questions Miss Eilish. This is for everyone's safety here in the hospital." I jerk my head up and look over at the officer, "He is a dangerous man." My voice starts to crack as I cry, trying to keep it together so he could understand me, "He is trying to kill me and everyone else who gets in his way. His baby and girlfriend are here but she's scared of him, she doesn't want him-" I start to cry again, and Billie pulls me into her chest, rubbing my shoulders.

     The cop nods his head, taking a seat next to us, "My names Mitch. Yours is y/n, correct?" I nod my head yes. He gives me a warm smile, "We are here to do everything we can with this man. We want to keep everyone safe, but in order to do that, you have to tell us some of the details that might be hard to talk about." I nod my head, tears still streaming down my face. I was a fucking mess, but there's no way in hell I was going to let him get away again. "Her name is Cathy Watkins. She is 17 years old and he has been manipulating and abusing her. She just had his baby a few days ago, I treated her in my ER." The police man started to take notes on a small pad as I told him what happened. I told him about my past with Zion, our abusive relationship. How he used to hit me and manipulate me until I finally tried to get away. How I got the restraining order in hopes of never seeing him again.

     Billie just sat there, her arms wrapped firmly around me. I knew this was a shock for her. I was waiting for her to come up with some excuse to get the hell away from me. I knew I was dangerous because of my past. I was just really hoping for some time before she had to find out. Once the officer left, it was back to being just me and Billie in the empty conference room. I slowly turn around to face her, "Billie I'm so sor-" I was cut off by her kissing me softly. She cupped my cheek with her hand, giving me light kisses from the lips to my forehead. She pulls me in for a hug, "Don't ever be scared to tell me something like this. I will always be here for you y/n." I wrap my arms around her neck, squeezing her tightly. She lets go and stands up, holding her hand out for me, "Lets go home, shall we?" I slowly nod as I stand up. I felt like I was sitting for hours, my legs felt like jello. I grab my jacket, throwing it over my bloody scrubs as we make our way out of the conference room.

     We are confronted with thousands of flashing lights. The press. Billie throws up her hoodie and takes my hand, weaving me in and out of what seems like hundreds of people screaming questions at us.

"Billie! Billie tell us about what happened to Que and why he is in jail!"

"Billie why is it that you lied about your sexuality? Are you embarrassed about the lgbtq+ community?"

"Y/n, are you and Billie Eilish dating?"

     Billie guides me into an office room, away from all the press as she says, "Que called me earlier from prison. Now the press knows about him going to jail which means, they found out the reason why he went to jail." She looks up at me with sad eyes, "Which means my career is basically over." I sigh and motion for her to come into my arms. She comes to hug me tightly. We will figure this shit out. There's no way the fans will hate Billie for being gay. "We will figure it out Billie. Come on, I think they have moved on. I need to go and check something before we leave," I say.

     She sighs and nods her head, grabbing my hand. I look down at our intertwined fingers before looking up at her and smiling. I take a deep breath in before walking out of the room and down the hall. I find the nearest elevator and head to the fifth floor; maternity. Billie silently follows me down the hall, stroking my hand and flashing smiles to fans. Billie is approached by two teenage girls, "Billie! I'm so proud of you for coming out, we love you!" She seemed completely taken aback by their comment but was welcoming with open arms. "You okay here for a sec Bil?" I ask her. She nods her head as she looks back to the girls, taking their phone and snapping a picture with them.

     I take a deep breath in before turning around and making my way over to Cathy's room. I peak my head in to see her and her mother crowded around her baby. She looks up to see me and says, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? We heard what happened I- I had no idea." I smile and walk into the room, closing the door half way. Her mother takes the sleeping baby from her arms and puts it in its mini bed. She makes her way over to me with open arms, "Honey you were so brave, I cant believe you were with him before Cathy- that you were able to escape him." She makes me sit down in the seat next to Cathy's bed as I say, "I just wanted to make sure that both of you, and the baby, were okay."

     "Yes we are okay. Are you okay? Goodness it looks like he really tried to hurt you," Cathy says. She looks at me, seeing the bandage that covered my head. I hesitate before answering, "He is gone now and that's all that matters. Did they tell you where they took him?" Her mother looks up at me as she starts to fold a pink blanket at the end of Cathy's bed, "He's in surgery now, but as soon as he is stable enough to transport, they are taking him to prison. He wont be able to hurt either of you any longer." I look up at her and smile, "That's good. I should be here for your follow up appointment in a few months after you are released." Cathy looks over at me and shakes her head, touching my arm, "Please take a break from work. I see you around here, ever since that day in the ER you are constantly working your ass off. You're the best nurse here and I'm sure a few weeks wouldn't hurt. Please, for me."

     I look at her and hesitate before answering, "Of course I will. Only if you promise to take great care of that baby. You're going to be an amazing mother, Cathy." She looks at me and smiles, nodding her head. Billie's comes into the room, lightly tapping at the door. Cathy gasps with excitement as she see's who is coming into the room, "Billie oh my gosh!" Billie smiles and walks into the room, hugging Cathy, "Oh my goodness, is that your baby? So beautiful!" Cathy starts to cry as she hugs Billie, "You've been gone for so long, I was so worried but then I saw the news this morning of Que going to prison and- OH MY GOSH IS Y/N YOUR GIRLFRIEND??" She looks over at me with shocked eyes. Billie laughs and nods her head. She walks over to me and pulls me close to her side, "Yes, this is my girlfriend." I look over her with wide eyes, wait what??

---Happy New Year Everyone <3---

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