10 Tacos Later.. (pt.1) NEW

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"H-hey y/n, I'm drunk can you and Ally come and get meee," my best friend slurrs on the other end of the phone.

I sigh, and get up from my bed, "I'll be there soon, don't go anywhere please."

She laughs, and I can hear glass breaking, "Don't worry, these girls are keeping me busy." With that she hung up on me.

Yana was drunk again, out at some stripper club. I get up out of bed, putting on some jeans and dialing her sisters number.

She answers in a sleepy tone, "Hey. Is everything okay?"

I switch her onto speaker phone as I tie on my vans, "Your sister is drunk, at the club again. Can you come with me so I can go and get her?"

She sighs on the other end, "Yea, I'll be there in 20."

This was the 3rd time this week that she has done this to us. Yana broke up with her girlfriend two weeks ago, and she has officially hit rock bottom.

I set my phone up on my desk, pulling on one of Billies sweatshirts. Billie and I have been a little rocky lately, between me going off at 4am to go and get Yana, to our schedules being off.

We haven't been able to communicate a lot since she started tour, and that really hasn't been helping.

I hesitate before hitting the call button as I FaceTime her. After two rings, she answers sitting on her stage with AirPods in.

"Hey babe! Isn't it like 4am? Are you okay?" She says over the base from her practice.

She's got a huge show in Italy tonight, and her and Finneas were going through sound check.

"Uhm, babe I'm sorry but Yana is drunk again and I have to go get her." I say hesitantly.

She sets her phone down real quick as Maggie comes up to her, asking her something.

After a few seconds she comes back on the phone, only showing the top half of her face, "Is she at the club again?"

I nod, "Yea, but Ally is coming with me. I won't be alone."

She sighs, "Yea I know baby but I just get so worried you know I mean, it's not safe for you."

I run my fingers through my hair, "I know Billie, but Yana needs me... I don't know what's been up with her lately."

She pauses the FaceTime to answer some texts before coming back on, a blank expression written on her face.

"Just please be careful y/n, I'll be calling you to check in." She says.

"Even with Ally in the car with me? What if she figures out it's you?" I say.

Me and Billie weren't public due to her fame. We've been dating for about 6 months now, and every time I go to see her my friends think I'm going off on a medical trial for my college courses.

She shrugs, "Then she finds out mama, I'm honestly tired of keeping you a secret. I love you and I want people to know that."

I pull my knee up and rest my chin on it, "Do you want to go public?"

"I-I don't know love, can we talk about it later? I gotta do mic check but I will call you before the show." She says frustrated.

I give her a weak smile before blowing a kiss at her, "I love you babe. I'll text you when I get there and leave."

She smiles back and blows me a kiss, "Okay I love you too mama."

With that she ends the call. I throw my head back and groan in frustration. We've been talking about going public for weeks now, but it always ends in an argument or just more stress for her. She wants us to go public, I just know she's scared.

After about 5 minutes, Ally pulls into the driveway and I jump into her car.

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