Explaination (Pt.3)

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"Y/n waittttt," Billie groans at me.

I wish I could go anywhere but her house, but I kind of walked out on my dad and was not ready to face him yet.

I turned around as she bumped into me, wrapping her arms around me. I scoffed, "Billie! What the fuck! I told you-"

She shakes her head, putting her hands on my face, "Please let me explain-"

I huffed, "You're so lucky I have nowhere else to go right now."

She smiled and leaned in to try and kiss me but I pushed her away. She frowned, looking at the ground before heading inside. I followed her, still extremely pissed. She just expected me to kiss her right then and there? Fuck that. Fuck her right about now honestly.

Once we made it to her room, I sat in her computer chair as she sat on her bed. I didn't want to be close to her. At all.

After a minute of silence, she spoke, "Drew is... yes, she is my girlfriend- well was. I'm not with her anymore. I haven't been for sometime."

I shook my head, "Bullshit, the way she looks at you says otherwise. The way YOU look at her says otherwise."

She sighs, "Y/n, you can break up with someone and still be completely in love with them. We weren't good for each other. We still aren't."

"So what the fuck am I? Arm candy? Not a smart idea-" she cut me off immediately.

"-No you're not fucking arm candy mama. You are someone extremely special to me and it pisses me off that I had to wait this long to fucking meet you," she says angrily.

Billie looked extremely frustrated, making me feel bad. I grew soft, getting up and crawling next to her on the bed, "Talk to me."

She looks up at me before taking my hand, "You're father was trying to set us up together. Whenever you turned 18 I was supposed to meet you, but you developed an anxiety disorder. He was really worried about us meeting."

I shake my head, "Wait what the fuck? My dad was trying to set me up with you? Why?"

She shrugs, "I don't know, he always knew I was fond of you. I always caught you here and there, but he kept you a secret for the most part."

I sat there, dumbfounded. My dad was trying to set me up with someone he knew I loved ever since I was fucking 15?? I- wait, wasn't he the one who introduced me to her in the first place? What the hell was he planning?

I run my fingers through my hair, "Billie, that still doesn't explain Drew. And it makes Que even more confusing-"

She hushes me, "Hey let me finish! He told me I was allowed to meet you when you turned 18, which would have been when I was 16, but I was too nervous not to have experience before then so I- I got with Drew. You're dad wanted you to be my first public girl relationship so he covered Drew up with Que."

I look over at her and giggle, "Experience?"

I suddenly grow angry, "He took away my best friend for that shit! Why didn't- I don't fucking understand him. He can't control my life-"

Billie cuts me off, taking my wrists and saying a bit angrily, "Yea, but you can't fucking act like you don't feel the same as I do."

We lock eyes, just staring at each other. She brings her forehead to mine as she whispers, "Don't act like your heart doesn't race every single time our skin touches."

I start to breathe heavier as her hands move from my wrists to my thighs, "Or how your legs grow weak every time I walk through that door."

I grab her hands, snapping out of it as I look up at her, "Billie, what are we doing?"

She begins to say something before her phone buzzes with a text. She looks away checking it. Sighing, she shows me the phone.

Issac: Drew headed to the clubs 2 hours ago. We need to move.

I frowned, what the fuck does that mean?

"Drew likes to drink, which is just nothing but trouble for her, trust me," Billie tells me, getting up and throwing on a coat.

I stand up, grabbing one of her hoodies, "Do you need help? Is she going to be okay?"

Billie shakes her head, putting her arms on my shoulders, "Baby, it's better if you stay here. Please?"

I cocked my head to the side before nodding, "Just please be careful?"

She smiles, pulling me into a hug, "Of course babygirl. Always. We can finish talking when I get back?"

I nod my head, going in to kiss her. She kisses me back, smiling.

*This is short short, sorry**

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