Not so uncomfurtable now, huh? (Pt.3)

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     "Hey y/n, you're getting another call from-" I shake my head, grabbing my phone and declining the call, "Just don't bother answering." I sigh as the stage workers fix my wires for the second show. Everything seemed so scary intense this time. Everyone was sort of used to my routine, and it almost seemed normal. After Jessie left off stage this time, she ran off in my direction. "Hey, do me a favor and kill it out there babe," she says, wrapping her arms around me as the stage workers untangle her. I wrap my arms around her and laugh, "I will. I can't believe you wore your fuckin jacket on stage!" She widens her eyes, stepping way and twirling around before saying, "Bro I fucking forgot I had it on! Damn it was hot." I laughed with her before she gave me a cheek kiss good luck, heading down the hall with her people. I take a breath as I hear Patrick talk to me through the wire, "Can you hear me okay?" I click a button on my box, "Yep, just fine." I started to lean up against the wall, waiting for my signal. Billie didn't come and see me this time, which I was a little hurt about but it was okay. She's a busy girl. I smiled; I can't fucking believe this is even real.

     I laugh out loud and spin around, yelling, "Fuck!" Just as I had finished, Patrick signals me to go on stage. I end up going and running on stage, being welcomed with thousands of screaming fans. Just as I sat down and started to play the first song, I noticed Billie was definitely not in her outfit she was in earlier. Did she change? Is that why she didn't come and see me? After her first song ended, she came closer to the front stage so I was able to see her. Oh my god... did she change. Billie was wearing black joggers with chains hanging from them and a rainbow meshy top with a white tank top underneath. Holy shit. She was coming out. She looked so cute, bouncing around on stage with her space buns. We continued the rest of the show with crazy hot energy from her and the crowd. Towards the end of the show, she was supposed to go to stage two... but she didn't. She sighed into the mic, "Ahh, how are you all doing tonight??" The crowd screamed and yelled in response. She smiled and nodded as a stage worker brought her a stool, "Good, good. Tonight's going to go a little different uhm," she looks back at me, "Y/n could you come up here? Please?" My heart dropped. What the hell was she doing.

     "Okay, just walk up, we have a mic connected to your box so when you talk as of now, the crowd can hear what you're saying," I could hear Patrick talking to me inside my ear piece. Oh, they fucking set me up. Billie stands up and makes me sit on the stool. She wraps her arms around me and looks at the crowd, "So everyone knows who this is, right?" They all cheer and scream in response. I could see everyone's face in the pit so clearly... including Kat and Alya who were both freaking the fuck out. I waved my hands out into the crowd and blew them kisses in response. "So," she says, walking down her 'runway' area of stage, "Can anyone think of a song I haven't done yet?" I shook my head as I thought, 'well I would think of about a million but-' She takes a seat on the ledge of the stage and extends the mic to a younger girl as she says, "I love you." Billie stands up and jumps around, "Yes! You see that's absolutely fucking crazy because there's just something so special about that song that I wanted to talk about tonight and," she walks closer to the crowd as she continues, "love is just such a scary emotion to fall into, especially whenever you just don't intentionally fall for someone," she turns to me and looks my way as she says, "and I just wanted to come and say before we sing this song that in such a short fucking time I fell in love with you y/n and its so fucking scary but I can't hide that fact-"

     I heard the ringing of cheers in my ears. Why is all of this so quick? Sure, her family felt like mine from the start and everything connected so well that it was overwhelming but love? The last time I loved someone.. I shook my head as tears started to form in my eyes; focus. There are thousands of people watching. As Billie approached me, I got off of the stool and jumped into her arms, hugging her as tightly as I could. Of course I felt a connection. I felt a connection with this person before I even knew what a connection was. Before I knew what love truly meant. She saved me, and she has yet to know it. I'll have to tell her. About the calls; about my past. there's more to me than just the drummer girl. As reality started to hit me again, the cheers of the crowd and flashing lights of phones started to become more clear for me. I widen my eyes and pull away from Billie to see her smiling uncontrollably. I laughed, and heard it echo into the area, "I love you, Billie." The crowd echoed me with a bunch of cheers and 'awes.' She giggles and smiles, grabbing my face before kissing me. In front of everyone. SO many cameras. I grabbed her face and kissed her back. The amount of love I felt for this person in my heart was so overwhelming I could barely breathe; but I didn't care. She was mine.

Billie Eilish ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang