You're a Hoe

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I picked up the facetime call I was receiving from Billie. 


"Ayeee, hello beautiful! What are you doing tonight?"

I blushed, answering, "Nothing, I just finished one of my college essays."

She puckers out her bottom lip, "Really? You want to go out to dinner or something tonight?"

Me and Billie definitely have been friends for some time now. We met through some people she really doesn't talk to anymore, and I don't either. We really liked each other's vibes and decided to start hanging without them. Ever since then, I've felt like there was some type of tension between us, but I haven't mentioned it yet. 

I smiled, nodding my head, "Yes I would love to."

She props her phone up as she drives, "Awe, awesome. Me and Bri were planning on going, but I'm sure you can come too!"

I tried to hide my confused expression. Why the fuck would she invite me out to dinner if she already had plans with this bitch? Billie and Bri used to be together a long time ago, but recently started hanging out again. There was definitely chemistry between them, which is why I haven't mentioned anything to Billie about my feelings towards her. 

I hesitate before answering, "Uh, can I invite Mikaela as well? I would hate to third wheel."

She wrinkles her nose and snorts, "Third wheel? Me and Bri aren't even feeling it like that babe. But sure, you can bring Mikaela, I miss her."

I knew she was lying right through her teeth to me, but I wasn't going to say anything. I didn't want to piss her off. 

I laughed, "Okay Bil, me and Mikaela will meet you there around 8?"

She nods her head, kissing at the phone, "Yes, bye love you angel muah."

I hung up the phone, sighing loudly. What the fuck am I getting myself into? Going to dinner with Billie and Bri sounded like pure torture. Watching them flirt and shit right in front of me. But I was going to do it. For Billie. Anything to make her happy. 


After a few minutes of convincing Mikaela to come, we finally pulled into the parking lot. We were only 20 minutes late, nothing compared to Billie usually. 

"I can't believe you are making me come," Mikaela groans. 

"Do you really not like Billie that much?"

She shakes her head, "I love Billie. But Bri? Ew."

I couldn't help but giggle, "I couldn't agree more with you."

"Why don't you just tell BIllie how you feel?" she asks me. 

I look at my nails, inspecting the chipped red paint off of them as I stalled my answer, "Because I don't want to ruin our friendship. What if she doesn't feel the same?"

Mikaela shoves my shoulder, "Come on! I saw you guys at that party last week! There's totally come chemistry there."

I covered my face with my hands as I thought back on that night. All of our friends decided to come to my place and have a slumber/movie night. Billie laid right in between my legs the whole time, cuddling me. She even took her hand in mine under the blankets, to where no one else could see.

I became flustered as I remembered her rubbing my hand with her thumb, "So! So what, me and you cuddle all the time!"

Mikaela shakes her head at me as we head into the restaurant. I knew there was something with me and Billie, I just really wasn't sure what it was. Or if it was anything. She is just naturally flirty with everyone, so who's to say she is actually interested in me?

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