First Assignment NEW (ONE PART ONLY)

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"-Yes- wait really? For my first patient?- I- okay, okay. Yes. Her number?- a huh- okay! Thank you!"

I slowly set down my phone, looking up Billie Eilish's patient record. Apparently my first patient out of college is going to be a teenage pop star. I had to try and keep my cool, sitting in my brand new office that I would soon be leaving.

Her management has requested that I travel on tour with them, so she doesn't have to take a break. That definitely seems like a red flag already, but, I guess I will observe once I arrive. Tomorrow... tomorrow! What the fuck I'm leaving tomorrow to go on tour-

I look down at the number I wrote down from my boss. It was her moms number. She wanted to speak to me before I came, to have my parent session beforehand. I picked up my phone and dialed the number. Might as well start.

I quickly grabbed a pen and paper as she answered, "Hi, this is Maggie."

I smiled, "Hi Maggie, it's Dr.y/n. How are you?"

"Oh I'm great, how are you?" she exclaims from the other end. I could hear a door close from the other end.

"I'm doing just fine, uh- is now a good time to do our parent pre-session?" I ask, writing down her name on the paper.

"Oh yes, right now is perfectly fine. Billie and her brother Finneas are out for lunch; I asked him to get her out of the house before we left."

I crinkle my brow as I write down Finneas's name, "So Billie and Finneas have a good relationship with each other? She trusts him?"

"Oh yes! They are extremely close with each other, and have a great relationship. They tell each other everything."

I nod my head as I write a few things down, "Yes, okay. I'm glad she has a great support system. So what exactly are you personally looking for in these sessions for me and Billie to have?"

Its always good to get a little bit of the parents point of view, just to see how much the teen actually opens up to their guardian.

Maggie sighs, "I just- really want her to feel better. I can't exactly help her anymore, she seems to not want to listen to me or come to me anymore with personal problems. She hasn't really been going to anyone, shutting the problems out completely."

"It's okay for Billie to not always wanting to go to a parent about her problems... an outsiders pint of view ans advice is sometimes what teens need to understand their parents point of view as well," I say.

"I just hope she opens up to you. We requested someone young, someone passionate about the same things as her," Maggie rambles on.

I smile and nod, "Yes, I've been here since the beginning of Billie's career. I've seen her grow."

"You know what, that actually works out for us. I'm assuming your boss told you our little situation?"

I frown, "Situation?"

"We don't want Billie knowing your going to be her traveling therapist? I thought we discussed this in previous meetings-" she says a bit stressed.

"Oh no, no its okay! I- I just wasn't aware of this situation until now, its okay," I paused, confused as fuck, "What is my cover?"

"Musical assistant. Finneas told Billie that they hired you to get inside her mind, to retrieve new, deep lyrics she never thought she could be capable of."

"That's-" I sigh, wow that's crazy as fuck, "- a pretty good idea. So I'm supposed to become her friend?"

"-Yes. Gain her trust, nothing is professional about this. Well, it is, just in secret," Maggie laughs.

We continued to speak for the next 15 minutes about Billie's habits, likes and dislikes, and any possible childhood trauma. Once I hung up, I quietly got up from my desk, walking out of my office and down the hall to my bosses.

I knocked on his door, before walking in.

He looks at me and smiles, "Y/n! I see here you just did your first parent pre-session! How did it-"

I cut him off, "Nel! What the fuck! How am I supposed to help Billie if she doesn't even know my purpose there?? What if she ends up not liking me, or trusting me?"

He sighs, taking off his glasses, "I guess you're just going to have to make her like you."

I look up at the ceiling, trying to not loose my shit. Is he serious right now?

-Just wanted to quickly put something out there! New series coming :)-

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