August Beamer (pt.3)

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The patients vitals have been stable for the past couple of hours. My entire body felt numb as I stepped into one of the nursing break rooms to finally peel out of my bloody scrubs and into some fresh ones for my work day that lied ahead of me. I sigh and started to FaceTime Billie, setting my phone down on the sink as I took off my top.
"Hey! Are you okay?" Billie asks as she answers.

I nod my head, "I'm sorry I was in surgery for so long. He's okay, thank god."

I could see her soften a little, almost relaxing as I said that.

She scrunches her nose, "Is that blood? Did you get hurt?"

I shake my head no, "It was the boys, but he's okay now. Don't worry, I'm okay."
She pulls her hoodie up over her hair, "I just don't know how you do that stuff, it would break me."

I shrug my shoulders, pinning my hair up and grabbing a rag to rinse off the blood from my arms. I'm not sure how it doesn't phase me either. I guess I just know I have a mission to save this tiny human. To give them a chance at love and mistakes and opportunity.
"You get used to it after a while. It's always nice to see them smiling as they leave the hospital," I say quietly.

She nods her head, "It sounds amazing."

We sit in comfortable silence as I finish cleaning off the blood and put on a fresh set of scrubs. It was always nice to have her company as I said before.

"Hey Bil?' I ask.

"Yea?" She says.
I pick up my phone and bring her to one of the tables to brush my hair and touch up my makeup before saying,

"Play me a song before I go back in?" She smiles and nods, jumping off her bed before coming back with her uke.

She starts to softly play some chords before singing 8. I roll my eyes, she knows it's my favorite. I start to softly hum the harmony with her as I start to put on mascara.

     She bursts into laughter, mid sentence and I frown, "What?"

She doubles over in laughter as she tries to gasp for air, "Y-your eyeball was all I saw when I looked up from playing and fuck-" she starts to laugh even harder.

I giggled, "Shut up Bil! I have to use my phone as a camera."

I start to laugh almost as hard as her before one of my colleagues walk in.

I cover my mouth and clear my throat, "I'll talk to you on break, okay?"

She covers her mouth as she tries to not laugh before nodding while whispering, "okay."
I hang up the phone and get up, throwing my hair in a pony and nodding over to her. She gives me a light smile before going back to her phone. The people here aren't as bright as you would want them to be I guess. I check my wrist for the time, and it read 12pm. My shift ends around 7pm, granted I don't end up getting pulled into another surgery. I grab August's chart to check and see what the other nurses said about his past hours in post op.
He seems to be stable, but threw a clot around 10am, which was fixed. I walk into his room to find him sleeping, still alone. I never got an update on his mom... I paged the surgeon that worked on his mom to my station to talk about her. Hopefully everything went smoothly...


Billies POV

I frown and type back "You mean y/n? She's my friend Finn"

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I frown and type back "You mean y/n? She's my friend Finn"

He started typing but stopped, leaving me on read. I groan and throw my phone down in frustration, why won't he just talk to me? Never in my life have I been this distant from my brother and it crushes me.

     I get a sudden FaceTime call from him, and my heart skips a beat. I answer to find him in his car with Peaches.

"Hey Bil," he says, eyes on the road.

"Hi," I say excitedly.

This was the first time we talked in such a long time.

"So this girl, you met her online right? Through the fans?" He asks.

I nod my head in agreement. So what if y/n was a fan? IS a fan? She's amazing and I've never felt closer to someone right now.
"Mom tells me she's nice. She's a scrub nurse, right?" He asks.

I nod my head, "Yea, she's badass. She just got done saving a kids life, I was just on the phone with her."

He sighs, as he starts to put his car in control of the driving, "So you, talk to her often?"

I frown, "Yea, why? She's a good friend of mine."

He rolls his eyes, "Yea Bil, u have a lot of those good friends lately. I talked to mom and I told her I don't think it's a good idea for you to go across the country by yourself to go and meet some girl you don't even know."
I was completely taken back by his words. Anger started to boil within me, what the fuck.

"Y/n is NOT like Eli-" I started to say but he cut me off.

"-She might not be like Eli and Danny but you don't know her Billie. You think you do and you just don't. It's not a good idea at all," he says sternly.

I could feel hot tears start to stream down my face, "Shes better than you. She's been here for me while you've been too busy judging my dumbass life decisions and moving into your brand new house with Claudia and completely forgetting about your life with me. What happened to you??"

     He stays quiet for a momment, not really saying anything. "People grow up Billie. It's about time you do the same thing. You need to stop being so close to these fans and stop trying to be friends with everyone. You're lucky no one has exposed you yet," he says quietly.

I let out a quiet sob, "Then fuck it and let them expose me. So what I stole one of Selena's songs? It was my- our song to begin with and you completely just gave it away!"

     "I sold it to her Billie!" He yells.

"Yea! Without my fucking permission! That song meant everything-"

he cuts me off again angrily, "No the only reason why you're attached to that song is because of Brandon. And Brandon is in jail Billie jail because of you. Because of what you did."

I stayed quiet for a moment, letting the aching sobs let loose. He really knows how to fuck with my emotions.

"But I bet y/n doesn't know that, does she? You've been keeping secrets from her haven't you," he says.

     "It wasn't my fault Finneas. I didn't do it," I say quietly.

"Oh I know you didn't, but everyone else doesn't know the whole truth. You don't want to tell the whole truth. And for what god awful reason? To not ruin Brandon's reputation? Billie it's stupid! He's in for life so why are you still protecting him??" He asks.

"I don't know Finneas damn I don't fucking know!" I yell.

My mom suddenly bursts in the room , rushing over to me.

She scoops me up into her arms and holds me close to her chest, "Finneas! My goodness son!"

I buried my face in her chest as she held my head closer to her.

"Mom you know it's the truth and you're just letting her rot away. Whatever this is- wow just-" with that he hung up the phone.

The amount of pain swelling in my chest was so bad I could hardly breathe. My mom got up and came back with a pill in hand.

I shake my head, "Mom please no I don't want drugs-" she shushes me and makes me take it.

The worst part is the fans don't know. They think I'm happy finally, and that I'm just excited for all of my award ceremonies. Little did they know..

What do you think is going to happen next??

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