Eilish's King Princess Pt.2

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     "You look pretty," I say, standing in her doorway.

It was about 10am, and we were going to go and meet Mikaela around 11 for coffee. An unknown place, of course just so the press doesn't get to us so soon. She looks up at me and smiles. I could see how nervous she was. Weren't we all?
I sigh and walk into her room, pulling her into a hug, "It's okay Bil, it's going to be fine."

She hugs me back before saying quietly, "What if it goes badly?"

I run my fingers through her hair and kiss her forehead, "Then it goes badly, and we work from there. I'll always be here for you and love you no matter what."

She looks up at me and places a kiss on my lips before going and grabbing her keys and throwing them to me.

Billie always normally drives but she was to nervous this time. I put my hand on her inner thigh and squeezed it in reassurance. She puts her hand on mine and doesn't say anything, just stares out of the window. I could tell she was nervous, I just wasn't exactly sure what she was so nervous about. A fight? Press? Things ending badly? Or... Her catching feelings again? The last one still pondered in my mind. The fear was there and it was a great big problem.

Once we pulled up to the shop, I parked in the back. I put the car in park and look over to Billie, who was completely lost in thought.

"Baby," I say.

She jerks her head up and looks over at me, "We here?"

I nod and she squeezes my hand. "We don't have to do this if you're not ready love," I say.

A part of me wished she would just say this was a horrible idea and that she didn't need closure anymore. Yet another small voice was telling me that this would be good for her.

She slowly nods her head as she takes her seatbelt off, "I'll be okay. Let's go."

We both get out of the car and head into the coffee shop, hand in hand. I scan the shop to find Mikaela sitting in the back corner, a small coffee sitting next to her. She sat with her legs crossed, and her back a bit hunched over as she stared at her phone. I hesitated before leading Billie over to the table.

"Mikaela," I say.

She looks up and darts her eyes over to Billie, smiling. "Red! I'm so glad you decided to come."

She stands up and embraces her in a hug. Billie freezes before looking over at me. I fold my arms and nod before looking away; I couldn't bare to watch. Call me a bit dramatic but the pain of seeing the person you love the most associating with the person who broke them is actually quite painful.

We all sit down in chairs. Billie sat towards the edge of the chair, leaning herself back a bit. I slouched a little bit not too much, putting my back up against the chair.

Mikaela was sitting straight up, smiling at both of us, "So! I know this was hard for you Bil, and I appreciate you coming to meet me."

Billie nods her head slowly and takes my hand under the table. My nerves start to cool off a little at the small gesture.

Mikaela darts her eyes over to me, "I'm not so sure as to why you had to come but, it's whatever."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Don't be a dumbass, you know why."

She smiles at me before slowly turning to Billie, "Anyways, I just wanted to say I'm here for my apology. Everything should be good after that, maybe even a couple press labels-"

"I'm sorry what?" Billie interrupts her and sits up onto the table, "What the fuck did you just say?"

I lean closer to Billie and touch her back.

Mikaela rests her arms on the table, head in hands as she says the words slower this time, "I said I'm waiting for my apology."

Billie sits there in awe for a second before slouching back down, crossing her arms, "And what the fuck am I supposed to be sorry for?"

Mikaela rolls her eyes, "Oh come on Bil, let's not get into this, we all know the abuse was intense."

"Uh yea it was but you weren't the fucking one dealing with the shit, I was," She says lazily.

Mikaela shakes her head, getting a little heated, "How are you going to say I abused you, I gave you everything, including my fucking tittle in the music industry."

Billie slams her hand down on the table, "YOU didn't give me this opportunity, I worked my ass off making this album and you did jack shit. All you did was fuck around with your little whores, and pose for porn magazines because I did take your tittle and you didn't have a fucking job after that!"

Mikaelas eyes narrow as she says lowly, "Listen here ya little bitch you ruined me and I don't have time for you to be fucking up anything else for me."

I put my hands in between them, "Hey what the hell dude what happened to closure?"

Mikaela laughs, "Did you really think- You know this is all about the money, the fame, the press. Billie Eilish and King Princess speaking again? It's going to be everywhere!"

I stand up, "You bitch, just leave us the hell alone."

Billie stands up and I take her hand.

We start to make our way out of the coffee shop but Mikaela yanks me back as we go outside. I try and pull away but it was too late. She pressed her lips up against mine as the press snapped pictures.

I push away from her as she smiles, "Let the games fucking begin!"

I grab Billies hand as we run to her car and get inside.

I turn to her as she starts to ramble, "Oh fuck what the hell babe I know you didn't kiss her I know she did it I'm not worried I-"

I shush her with my finger and pull her into a hug as she cries. I squeeze my eyes shut as I think oh fuck.. what the hell are we going to do now?

Part 3 coming soon 💛 (sorry I know it's kinda short)

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