On call (pt.2)

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It's been about two weeks since that night. Since the call that has changed my fucking life completely. Me and Billie have been FaceTiming every night and sometimes mid day ever since. It's been absolutely amazing, she's such an amazing person. I guess as a fan you kinda already imagined them to be perfect but whenever you get to know them and they actually turn out to be perfect, it becomes surprising. I'm currently in my living room, on my laptop studying for this weeks final.

I'm going to school to become a cardio scrub nurse in pediatrics. These final exams are going to be the death of me. I usually study while on FaceTime with Bil, it just helped me focus. Her playing the uke in the background or just listening to her music blaring from her room is comforting to me. I sigh and put my laptop down, taking off my glasses and rubbing my face. I suddenly get an incoming call from Billie from my laptop, and I answer.

"Hey y/n," she says.

She was currently in her car, her phone propped up.

"Hey Bil, what's up? Where you headed to," I say. I couldn't help but smile, she was actually out of the house for once.

I try and get her to go out to the stores with her mom Maggie or something, to help with the depression. I met Maggie about a week ago, and we instantly clicked. We could talk about vegan/gluten free cakes and pastries for hours.
"I'm just heading to the store real quick, we needed some more beans," she says.

She's got one hand on the wheel and another propped up against the door.

"Oh, okay. It's good that you are going, I'm proud of you," I say.

She smiles and shakes her head, "Shut the hell up. When am I coming to visit you?"

I scrunch my nose up to think, "In like 3 days? Maybe 4?"

Billie and I made plans for her to finally come and see me for about two weeks. Or really as long as she wants to.
Maggie agreed for her to be able to come and stay with me here for a little bit since she's on break for tour. I've tried to get her to break the ice with Zoe, so she could have at least one more support system. I'm not too sure what exactly happened between them, they've just been distant and Billie doesn't like to talk about it. I've texted her a couple times, but it's been a pretty dry conversation. I'm sure she's nice, it's just something doesn't seem quite right.
"Ugh, I wish it was sooner. I can't stand watching my four walls all the time," she complains.

She puts her car in park, as I'm assuming she is in the parking lot. "You want to stay on the phone with me while you go in?" I ask.

She shakes her head no and smiles at me, "I got this mama, don't worry. I'll call you later."

I smile before she hangs up the phone with me. I get another call from my work just as I was about to hop in the shower.
"Hello? Yes this is y/n. I thought I was scheduled for tomo- oh. Okay yes I can be there in 20 minutes," I said during my very short conversation with my boss.

I'm currently doing clinicals in the emergency room, so I'm on call for any emergencies that have to do with children. I sigh and throw my hair up in a braid and put on my navy blue scrubs before throwing Billie a text to let her know I'll be busy for a couple of hours in surgery.


     "What do we got?" I ask, jumping into the room filled with doctors and machines.

"August Beamer, age 10 was in a head on collision with another truck. His car got the worst of it," the doctor explains to me.

I sigh and grab a suturing kit and an IV kit, sitting next to the boy. He was conscious, his eyes darting quickly around the room.

I put gloves on before looking down at him, "Hi August, my names y/n. Do you know where you are?"
He nods his head before trying to speak, "M-my head really hurts. Where's my mom?"

I look up at one of the other nurses, "Any news on his mom?"

Ginny, another one of the nurses, comes over and says to the boy, "Your mother is going up to surgery now, miss y/n is going to take great care of you honey."

He nods his head again, too fearful to say much.
His pressure suddenly drops, as he struggles to breathe. "Okay August, okay. His lung collapsed I need an intubation tray. Now!"

I say. I lay the bed down, and open his mouth to try and see down his throat.

"Woah, there's a lot of blood here. Did anyone get scans for this little boy?" I ask.

The doctor comes rushing back as I struggle to get a tube down the young boys throat.

"His internal injuries are severe, there's free fluid in his abdomen and we suspect it to be blood. We need to get him in the OR to stop the source immediately," the doctor tells me.

     I nod my head, finally being able to get it down his throat. His pressure finally levels out, as I start to push the bed out of the room and down the hallway.

"What is the plan?" I ask the doctor.

He sighs and shakes his head as we all head into the elevator, "I hope to find the source of bleeding and patch it up easy. You were paged because the boy has a heart murmur and you are here to monitor it but it seems like we could definitely use you for general as well tonight. Well done back there, quick thinking on your feet."
I smile and nod my head, "Thank you. I'm here for wherever you may need me."

Once we got onto the OR floor, we raced him into the room and let everyone else prep him as all the doctors and scrub nurses scrubbed in to prepare for a very long and difficult surgery that lied ahead.


Billies POV

"Mom! Have you heard from y/n?" I yell from my room.

She hasn't texted me back in hours and it's making me worried. The last text I got from her was "I got called in at the hospital, I'll text you after surgery"

This means either the surgery is very diffuclt, or the kid didn't make it and she was buried in paper work.

I always hated to see her sad when she looses a kid. The sparkle in her eyes slowly drift away for a few days, and it's heart breaking. Y/n is probably one of the brightest people I know and I love it yet hate it at the same time. She always knows how to make me smile, even when I don't want to.

My mom walks into my room, "You still haven't heard from her? She's probably still in surgery honey."

I sigh, sitting up and hugging one of my pillows, "Or she lost a patient. I'm just worried."

She sighs and walks over to me, hugging and kissing me on the forehead, "We won't know until she calls Bil, don't stress out over it just yet. I love you."

I hug her back and say, "I love you." She rubs my back for a second before walking out.

I pause for a moment before getting up and turning my speakers on to listen to the playlist y/n made me. She told me to listen to it whenever I felt sad or anxious about anything. I really like it, it's extremely relaxing.. and it makes me think of her. Sometimes when I miss her a little extra I play it too. I hit shuffle as a soft song starts to hum playfully. I'm sure everything's okay. Right?

**Im not a professional whenever it comes to medical things! It's just a story, so everything will not be accurate 💛**
~There is more to come :)

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