Interscope Records NEW (pt.1)

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A little bit of sugar and almond milk.. who the fuck actually uses oat milk in coffee? I would kill myself. I stir my coffee up and put the lid back on to my mug before walking back out into the hallway. When your dad owns Interscope records, your job possibilities are endless. My choice? Producing music of course. I mean I might have a little bit of a vocal side in me, but it was too soft for my liking. My style screamed soft as it is; I didn't want my true identity to come of as soft too. "Yo y/n, those new beats ready for Jays recording tomorrow?" I look back at one of my recording buddies and stopped walking, "Of course dude, they've been on your desk since Monday. When have I been known to do shit late?" He smiles and nods his head as he walks away, "Of course! Queen of fucking music!" I walk away and roll my eyes as I take another sip of my coffee. Definitely not the queen of music.

As I make it into my studio, I close the door and jump into my chair, throwing the lights on. They are never a natural color, because who can write something creative in ordinary lighting? I set down my mug and jump onto my computer, checking my emails. This is where I usually get requests for new beats, or appointments. I never just make shit up without meeting the artist first. How can you catch their vibe without getting to know their story? I usually invite them into my studio and just talk with them for a day. Catch what they are looking for. Ask for any specific feelings or colors they want. If they even understand that type of writing. Some artists just want a hard beat they can scream into, and some just want something they can pour their heart out with. But then there are those select few, mostly my favorite, who truly want to create art within their music.

I scanned my emails, mostly seeing things from the top 100 hits including songs I produced. I was kind of used to it by now. I sort of got a lot of hate for it; most people think my dad does this for me but in reality I never get to see him that often. He's always in important business meetings or heading across the country for a cocktail party with some fucking rapper friend of his. I scoffed and said out loud, "No fucking way." I scanned the named about a million times. Finneas O'Connell? Now that's a huge ass surprise. He's such an inspiration to me. Love his music, love his vibe, love his process. Only one problem. Not a big fan of his sister. I wrinkled my nose as I sat back in my chair. Yea, I tried listening to her. I just didn't know what it was about her that made me want to smash my head into a fucking locker.

I shook my head and opened the email, hoping to see him wanting to collab on something. ' sister Billie would really like to work with you on this song. I guess she isn't getting the right vibe with me and I know you are good at fixing songs like this, Can you maybe-' I didn't even finish reading it as I sighed loudly out of frustration, "Fuckkkk!" I stared at the email for a while, pulling my knees up to my chin in the chair. I shake my head and dial my dad's number. He answers after the second ring," Y/n, baby! You got the email!" I scoff, "Dad! What the hell, you know I don't fuck with Billie's music like that!" He laughs, "Ahhh now now, y/n! Billie working with you will be great for business and will make you look good. Trust me, this is good." I roll my eyes, "But dad I-" He sighs, "Y/n no, no, no, everything will be fine honey listen I have Rihanna here for a meeting so I have to go. You're working with Billie sorry it's already been processed, I love you puddin, bye-" He hangs up on me, leaving me on the other end absolutely pissed. I exhale loudly before going back to my computer, replying to the email. 'Send me the song, I'll contact Billie's manager here.'

I stood up and jumped around, "Fuck!" I shake my head and grab my badge, heading out the door to go and head to Justin Lube's office. Everyone knew he was Billie Eilishs manager. It was so weird though, because he was kept a secret. Everyone here behind the scenes within the business knew but it's like the outside world never knew. I always thought it was fucking odd, but not my problem. I just hope she doesn't shove me off this damn song, because that will be a big problem. As I approached his office, I noticed Billie's other managers there as well. I knocked on the door, "Justin?" They all look up at me and grow quiet. I sarcastically smile as I step in, "I guess Billie wants to have me work on a song with her?" Justin looks through his papers and nods, "Uh, yea. She has this song she's working on but I guess her brother says she needs something more with it." I nod my head, sitting half on and half off his desk. Why the hell do the other managers look so fucking scared of me? Damn. I'm just a person. "Okay, well I'm going to need to schedule several meetings with her here in my studio so I guess you can email me details about scheduling and her arrival."

He looks up at me, unsure, "Uhm, how long will it take? She has to go perform this song in two weeks at a show-" I look at him wide eyed, "I'm sorry what?? You need her to perform a song that is apparently nowhere near finished in two weeks perfectly in front of her fans?" One of the other managers speaks up, "Well, she's been speaking to them about it for months now so we decided to do it soon-" I looked over at her with a hint of anger in my voice, "It shouldn't matter if she's been promising them for months. A song will come whenever it comes. Do they want it in shitty quality or good quality? It's as simple as that. I'll try my best, but you need to get her here like yesterday. I need her in my office tomorrow. I need the song emailed to me now." I get off of his desk, adjusting my half tucked in sweater.

They all look at me, their faces completely pale as I throw my hair to the other side of my face, walking out of the room. Damn, I wish I had my roller skates with me. I got on the elevator and decided to go to my friends studio, Mallio. He was one of the gayest, spunkiest producers we have here and I was absolutely in love with his spirit. He was so fun to talk to. I got on his floor, which was one below from mine, and saw him skating over to the water station. I smiled and yelled, "Sexy ass mama!" He looked over at me and opened his arms, "Ayeee, it's mama interscope!" I shook my head as I walked into his studio, allowing him to finish what he was doing. He always had some spunky nickname for me daily. I plopped on his pink fluffy couch and kicked off my shoes, pulling up my knees again. You don't ever want to have your shoes on Mallio's furniture. I checked my emails for Billie's song and saw that Justin and Finneas sent it to me. Out of extreme pettiness, I decided to listen to the song through Finneas's email.

"So what brings the famous y/n into my broken down studio?" Mallio asks as he enters the room. "First of all, I think your studio is bad ass," I say. Sure, Mallio is new so they sort of gave him one of the hand me down studio's, but once they find out his talent I swear he is going to be right next to me. "And you'll never guess who my dad pared me up with this time," I say, shaking my head. He sits in his chair, rolling it towards me as he dramatically says, "No no don't tell me, Styles? Is it Styles? Or- Oh my fuck no it's Katy Perry again isn't it." He throws his hands up and shakes his head as I laugh, "Oh no, it's someone we never thought would ever come across my territory. I had to go down to," I look around and lean in as I whisper, "Justin Lube's office." He gasps and holds his hand over his heart, "Oh honey no, he didn't."

I nod my head as I lean in even more, "And, I have two fucking weeks to fix this song! I haven't even listened to it yet. But Finneas says it needs work." Mallio widens his eyes, "Oh shit, and you know when the Finneas O'Connell says something needs work, you're in deep shit. I would just go on ahead and roll into your grave now baby, this might be actual hell." I shake my head and laugh as he stands up, "No no, I'm serious! I can see it now, all the flames and shit, your ass is going to die honey." I lean my head back as I giggle and yell, "Fuckkk my life!!" I shoot my head back up to him again, "Oh my gosh, what are you working on today?" He scoffs, "When do I ever have anything actually important to do?" I give him a smirk, "You want to come up and listen to it with me?" He nods his head, getting up and grabbing his baby blue beanie, "Ohhh shit. Yes I'll do it with you."

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