music theory (pt.2)

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This bitch really had to text me right before lecture. I couldn't answer her text for the next two hours, which I knew was going to absolutely kill me. Everything going on within the moment was beyond stressful and I couldn't even put my fucking finger on one single part of my life that made sense.

"Y/n! So I'm assuming you saw the big news on your paper?? Huh?" my professor says as he comes up to me.

I gave him a smile, "Yes! Oh my god, why didn't you even tell anyone??"

He shook his head, "That would have ruined the entire point; I wanted them to have someone who takes true passion in their work without rewards."

I shook my head, "This is insane. You know I've been wanting this for years-"

"Oh my gosh, congratulations y/n! I heard-" Several people surrounded me, cutting of my conversation as they congratulated me in my winnings.

Just as class started, my professor read my paper and we talked about it. The entire class period. Everyone gave their opinions, becoming extremely engrossed in the conversation. Most of us didn't even realize the three hours had passed. I had gotten many numbers from people I never really talked to before in class who wanted to work together on some music. It was very exciting, I've never had this much attention on me before.

"Y/n? Could you stay back a second?" my professor asks as he looks at his computer.

I nodded, waving goodbye to a few new friends before going over to his desk area. Me and Professor Green were quite close, even friends before I wanted to take his class.

"I just received another email from Inter-scope records," he says, reading the email, "Do you know who this Finneas O'Connell guy is?"

My mouth practically dropped open as I raced over to his computer to read the email myself.

It has come to our attention that one of our producers, Finneas O'Connell, has become quite fond of your student. We would like her contact information to see if she would be interested in working with him. Please give us a call-

I didn't even read the rest of the email, "Finneas is Billie Eilish's brother, Green!"

He looks at me, taking off his glasses, "That new pop artist? No fucking way y/n, this is huge for you."

I nod, wiping my face as I try not to panic. Why did I feel like Billie had something to do with this shit? There's just no way she didn't know by now.

"Give them my phone number. I have to head out for uhm- work but I'll email you later with what they say," I tell him.

He nods, going onto his computer to answer them. I waved goodbye as I made my way out of class, trying to make it to my car as quickly as I could. All I wanted to do was call someone. I didn't even know who I wanted to call, but I needed to talk to someone about this.

Once I got to my car, I got inside and turned on the air, just sitting there for a second.

You know what? Fuck it. Fuck it-

I quickly went on Instagram to face call Billie. To my surprise, she answered.

"Yo! So you heard-" she started to say.

I cut her off, "What the fuck is going on?? I wake up this morning to your brother wanting to work with me because of some stupid essay I wrote?? I wrote that essay because of you, you were my inspiration and only because you were fucking sleeping right in front of my face-"

She starts to laugh, "Waittt, you wrote that essay because of me? No fucking way I-"

I groaned, shit. Why did I just say all of that to her? Maybe I shouldn't have called her to talk.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asks. I assumed she saw how freaked the fuck out I was with all of this.

I just sat there, not looking at her or anything in particular as I let my vision blur. This is insane. Why can't I just be cool about it?

"Y/n," I heard Billie calling my name again. I jumped and looked at her, seeing a shy smile on her face.

"Can I come and steal you? My brother wants to meet you anyways and I figured it would be nice to get to know you before-"

I cut her off, "Yes. When?"

She shrugs, "Uhm, two hours?"

I nod my head, "Okay. Maybe that's what I need.."

She gives me a reassuring smile, "It's going to be okay baby, I know things are crazy right now but just breathe. I'm fixing to be on my way, okay?"

I suddenly start to calm down just a bit at her words, "Okay Bil. See you then."

y/n via fp story:

caption: outfit of the day ❤️ my post won't be until later sorry angels

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caption: outfit of the day ❤️ my post won't be until later sorry angels

I really hoped no one asks why, because I'm horrible at coming up with lies. The truth? Billie Eilish is coming to pick me up in her fucking Dodge Challenger to go and see Finneas to talk about producing music.

Yea, really think that I could smooth shit over with that one. I shake my head and fluff out my hair a little. I wasn't really wanting to dress so soft when meeting Billie, but I was already wearing it so I decided to say fuck it.

My style can range from soft to grunge to homeless. Just depends on my mood I guess. I looked down at my phone as it buzzed from a text from instagram.

@ BILLIEEILISH: im pulling down your road. do you want me to come in?

I start to panic as I frantically type back.

@ y/fp/n: NO don't!! my roommate Jade doesn't know you're coming and she'll ask a million questions i'm coming right now-

I quickly grab my back and run out of my room, saying a quick goodbye to Jade as I make my way out of the house. I didn't feel like explaining all of this to her at the moment. It was honestly so much for me to handle myself.

--This is a continuation of music theory that i wasn't planning on releasing. I never got to finish it, and ive been very down lately. sorry i havent been writing--

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