~Chapter Thirty Six~

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The pair of vampires trotted through the woods, making their way towards the tomb

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The pair of vampires trotted through the woods, making their way towards the tomb. There was a thick silence between them, Maddy stuck in her thoughts and Damon stuck in his. It was a comfortable silence, the two of them walking side by side, neither of them bothering to spark up a conversation.

Maddy's mind kept wandering to the conversation she had with Katherine. She wasn't scared of Klaus like everyone else was, so running from him wasn't even an option. That was a cowardly move and Madison Sinclair was no coward.

"You were right," Damon speaks, glancing at the strawberry blonde.

"About what?" Madison questions.

"Ever since you got here all I've been doing is putting your life in danger for Elena. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"Don't be. You don't make me do anything I'm not up for." She sighs.

"Quit doing that." Damon shakes his head.

"I'm not doing anything," Maddy says in confusion.

"You keep finding ways to justify the fact that I treat you like shit." He states, stopping and turning to face her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Every time I screw up, you're quick to forgive and forget. Why?" He asks, staring down at her.

"Because I know who you are, Damon. Elena expects you to be like your brother and so does Stefan. You need someone in your life who's ok with you being yourself, someone who's willing to cut you some slack. And I don't do it for you, I do it for me. If I held onto every time someone has hurt me, I would be one sad son of a bitch. I don't wanna live my life like that."

Damon's eyes scan over her in admiration. Why couldn't he just forget his feelings for Elena? He wanted to with every bone in his body but he just couldn't shake them. Madison was obviously the kind of girl everyone should want to be with. Maybe it's because deep down he knew Maddy was far too good for him. Or maybe it was because he knew that one way or another he would end up hurting her again. He didn't know what to say, so instead, he nods his head and continues walking.

"Which one are you trying to save? The blonde, or the wolf? Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?" Maddox questions as the two of them reach the stairs that lead to the tomb.

"Wishful thinking." Damon shrugs.

"We were hoping he was as dumb as he looked." Maddy sighs, leaning against a tree as Damon speeds towards the warlock and pins him to the ground.

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