~Chapter Sixty Three ~

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After sitting with Rebekah for a few hours and letting the girl cry on her shoulder, Madison was finally back home

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After sitting with Rebekah for a few hours and letting the girl cry on her shoulder, Madison was finally back home. Finally alone with her thoughts. She wasn't sure how to feel about finding out that Klaus killed his own mother. On one hand, she completely understood why he did it. He was angry and couldn't control himself. After everything she did, lying to him, letting Mikael abuse him, putting a curse on him, the woman seemed like she had it coming.

On the other hand, it was his mother. The fact that he then lied to Rebekah about it just so he wouldn't lose her made her pity him. She knew what it was like to not wanna be alone. To this very day, she was scared of spending the rest of an eternity alone. No friends, no family, nobody. Which was why she held on so tightly to the friends she thought she had now. But it was very clear that Elena was no friend of hers.

Klaus's whole story made her feel bad for him. Why couldn't everyone else understand him the way she did? Maybe if they lived their lives in fear of being lonely, then they would understand. Maybe if they had been abused by someone who was supposed to love and care for them, then they would get it. As a matter of fact, if anyone should have a little more sympathy for the hybrid, she thought it would be Damon and Stefan considering their father used to beat them.

She wished they could all just get along or at least be civil with each other. She wished they could all understand how much their fighting back and forth was hurting her. The plotting, the scheming, the trying to kill each other, it was all getting too much for her to handle. At this point, she didn't want to care about Elena and her friends, but she just couldn't help herself. She loved them, even if they didn't love her the same.

A part of her hated herself. What was she doing choosing a man over her friends? Why did she care so much about Elena and Bonnie? Why did she care so much about Klaus? It was at times like this she wished she could be more like Katherine and less like herself.

Katherine, maybe she was the answer to her problems. Maddy sat on the couch, blood bag in her hand as she thought about the Petrova doppelgänger. Maybe she should call her so they could meet up and go, god, knows where together. Forget about Elena and Klaus in general and just focus on herself. She was long overdue for some genuine self-care, some me time, a vacation. But she knew she would somehow get roped back into the drama. Being involved with both Elena Gilbert and Klaus Mikaelson meant she would probably spend the rest of her days dealing with problems that had absolutely nothing to do with her.

She shook her head as a dry chuckle escaped her lips. When was it her time to retire? When was it her time to be free and happy with no worries in the world? Never, she thought. Then, once again, she managed to find herself feeling sorry for Elena. If eight hundred ninety-five-year-old Madison Sinclair, who was now a tribrid, found herself exhausted and tired of the supernatural drama, she could only imagine how defenseless human Elena felt. Well, she wasn't necessarily defenseless, she had a bunch of friends that protected her, but if it was just her alone, then it would most likely be bye-bye Elena Gilbert.

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