~Chapter Forty Three~

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Madison sat in the passenger seat of the car as Stefan sat in the backseat and Klaus sat in the driver's side

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Madison sat in the passenger seat of the car as Stefan sat in the backseat and Klaus sat in the driver's side. Her head was laid against the window, staring out into the darkness, her mind wandering to how much she missed her newfound friends.

Klaus had locked her away to get the vervain out of her system and then compelled her not to answer any of their phone calls or text messages. He had also compelled her not to run. It was completely shattering her that she wasn't able to see or talk to Damon after he almost died. She missed the hell out of him, to say the least. The number of calls and messages she had been getting from him was crazy.

Although it did make her happy to see that he still cared about her and missed her too, every time his name popped up on her screen she felt a tug of sadness at her heart. It wasn't just him who was reaching out to her though. She had tons of messages and calls from Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy. It warmed her heart to know that they cared about her as much as she cared about them.

As for her and Stefan's relationship, it had definitely gone downhill. At this point, it mainly consisted of snarky comments and hateful glares. Well on Maddy's side at least. She was trying her hardest to forgive him for basically kidnapping her, lying, and betraying her trust. But every time she saw Klaus's face, it reminded her that the whole reason she was stuck in this situation was because of the young Salvatore.

She understood his reason, it was to save Damon. If pushed to a certain existent, she might've done the same thing. What hurts the most was that instead of Stefan telling her the circumstances, he just assumed she would've said no. If he would've come to her and told her that the only way Damon would get the cure is if she and Stefan left with Klaus, she would've packed her things in a heartbeat. She didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone. Not to mention the clothes Stefan grabbed for her were not to her standards.

Parking a little ways from a nearby house, Klaus turns his attention to Maddy while wearing a smile. "Ready, Love?" He questions.

"Let's just get this over with." Maddy sighs, stepping out of the car.

"Keep an ear out Stefan, you'll know when it's time for you to come in," Klaus states, glancing back at the younger vampire before following Maddy.

"I can't believe I'm doing this with you." She complains as Klaus puts his hand in hers, the two of them approaching a nearby house the way a couple would.

"You don't have much of a choice, sweetheart," Klaus smirks, his thumb gently rubbing the back of Maddy's hand.

She wasn't gonna lie, it was kind of comforting. For some reason, she didn't mind it. "Why can't you and Stefan do this? I'm sure you two will do just fine acting like a gay couple."

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