~Chapter Sixty Five~

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"Hello, Niklaus

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"Hello, Niklaus." Mikael greets, standing outside the door. "I see you've brought your little harlot." He speaks, nodding towards Maddy with a look of disgust.

"He did not just call me that?" She gasps, glancing up at Klaus who stood with his jaw clenched. "And the term they use now of days is whore. You would know that if your head wasn't so far up your own ass."

"Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot you can't." Klaus taunts the older man, his grip on Maddy's waist becoming tighter as he tried to control his anger.

"Or you can come outside if you want."

"Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb."

Maddy watches as a group of hybrids gather behind Mikael outside on the lawn. She began to get anxious. There were a lot of innocent teenagers here that could end up getting hurt. She was praying that too big of a fight didn't break out.

"They can't kill me." Mikael states.

"True. But it'll make a hell of a party game. All we have to do is rub our two fingers together and they'll pounce." Klaus smirks, glancing down at Maddy.

We, she thought. Then she remembered. He did tell her that his army was also hers. Granted she didn't need or want an army, but the fact that he was using the whole 'what's mine is yours' thing kind of made butterflies form in her stomach.

For some reason, whenever she was around Klaus she felt like some high school girl with a crush. Sure, she had never experienced her own teenage love story, but she imagined this was probably what Elena felt like when her and Stefan got together before their relationship went to shit.

"The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me." Mikael states as one of Klaus's hybrids push Elena/Katherine towards him. "Come out and face me, Niklaus. Or she dies and Madison's next."

"Haven't I kicked your ass twice already?" Maddy questions rhetorically, letting out a taunting laugh when she notices Mikael's nostrils flare in anger.

"As much as I would love to see you try and kill some as power as her, Madison's in here with me and I wouldn't let you lay a hand on her.. . As for Elena, go ahead. Kill her." He shrugs.

Madison bit down on her lip, trying her hardest not to come to Katherine's defense. Katherine knew what she was doing and she agreed to be a part of whatever plan they had to kill Klaus. Therefore, the vampire wasn't in any real danger.

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