~Chapter Thirty Nine~

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Maddy sat with her back against a tree, her eyes staring up at the moon

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Maddy sat with her back against a tree, her eyes staring up at the moon. After throwing what some might call a tantrum, she still wasn't ready to be around anyone. Even if she was still wondering how Elena was and if she was still human, it was best if she steered clear from society for a couple of hours. From where she sat, she could hear the sirens of the ambulances rushing through Mystic Falls, probably to help the people who got hurt during her fit of rage.

At that moment she didn't really care who she had hurt, even if she knew it would tear her apart later on. It wasn't like she meant to hurt people, it wasn't her fault her scream was that powerful. She hadn't screamed like that in decades and it was a very much needed release. It felt good to let out some of her stress, even if she still had built up pain and anger underneath.

Although she would never say it aloud, sometimes she wished she would've just stayed dead with the rest of her family instead of turning into a vampire. Maybe then she would be at peace. Maybe then she wouldn't be so broken. Walking the earth for almost nine hundred years was starting to make her emotionally exhausted. When she was young, this was not how she pictured her life to be. She used to sit with her mother and sisters in their garden and talk about getting married and having children that she would love to the moon and back.

She used to write down on paper what she imagined her dream wedding to be. A beautiful dress, a man who could love her endlessly, her family, and lots of flowers. Now that dream would stay just a dream. Her family was all dead and every time she met someone who she could potentially settle down with, they ended up breaking her heart and losing her trust. It was clear to her that the universe wanted her to be alone forever. That was the price she had to pay for living for an eternity. She would never find the kind of love her mother and father had. She would never find real love at all and if she did, it would surely be taken from her.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of a twig snapping and a low growl. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that it was a wolf, but instead of speeding away to her safety, she sat there. Slowly turning her head she spots a werewolf standing a few feet away from her. The wolf gradually moves forward, its eyes locked on hers. She knew she had no reason to be afraid. She already knew who it was.

"Go away Klaus, before I throw my shoe at you." She sighs trying to get rid of him.

Ignoring her request, he continues towards letting out a small whimper when he reaches her and gently lays his head on her lap.

"Can't you find another part of the woods to invade?" She questions, obviously gaining no response. "Ugh, fine. You're lucky I like animals." She huffs rolling her eyes at him as she starts petting him.

It was true, Madison had always loved animals. Dogs, cats, bunnies, it didn't matter, she loved them all. Which was one of the reasons she would never go on an animal blood diet. She would rather feed off of humans and erase their memory than kill an animal.

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