9: Y/N-Sensei

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**have most of y'all read the manga? idk i'm following that a bit, but maybe i should offer more description and background in case you haven't read it??? mmmmm lemme know**

We sat on the railing of a long bridge after visiting Saitama Urami East Junior High. The first-years were investigating some mysterious deaths which seemed to all be linked together.

"Y/n-sensei!! Can you please help us!? There's no cursed spirit here!" Yuuji cried out.

I was scrolling mindlessly on my phone since I was only there to pretty much babysit. I glanced up and saw their desperate faces, "I don't know. Figure it out."

"Argh! Why are you even here!?" Kugisaki complained.

"You seem lazy," Fushiguro huffed in frustration.

I chuckled a bit, "Fushiguro, you're quite funny. First we find out you're a bully, and now you're calling your sensei lazy."

"I'm not a bully!"

"That's not what those two boys at your junior high said," Yuuji teased.

"I only beat up people who deserved it."

"Maybe it's not the bridge, but the act of jumping off it!" Fugisaki interrupted.

I rolled my eyes, "Do you not pay attention?"

"Uh, we already tried that," Yuuji said, sheepishly rubbing his neck. "It's not that."

"We're running out of time," Fushiguro huffed.

Yuuji sighed, "I agree, there's a 100% death rate at this point."

"Y/n," Fushiguro glanced out at me. "I know you're only supposed to observe, but can you please help? My sister..."

He trailed off, clearly concerned. We learned that Fushiguro's sister was one of the students who had previously visited this bridge which meant her life was on the line too.

Ijichi said there were no sorcerers he could spare, and so Fushiguro's sister was being left without protection. There was no way of knowing how much time she had before her safety would be threatened.

"Fine," I put my phone in my pocket. "Let's go."

"Really!?!" Yuuji yelled as he called after me. "What changed your mind!?"

I shrugged, "I guess I'm just a fan of Fushiguro."

He cleared his throat, "Y-you can call me Megumi, Y/n-sensei."

"Aww, I earned my sensei title from you," I smirked.

"Hey! No fair! Do you like me too, Y/n-sensei!?" Yuuji whined.

"Yes, Yuuji."

Kugisaki scoffed, "Where are you taking us?"

"I was hoping one of you would figure it out, but the students who bungee-jumped off, their challenge wasn't coming to the bridge at night and it wasn't jumping off—"

Megumi cut me off, "The test of mettle was below the bridge."

I laughed loudly, "So you did figure it out!? Then why'd you need me!?"

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