42: Aftermath

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I moved quickly through the streets, racing towards where I felt Sukuna's presence. I had no idea why he had taken off so abruptly.

The girl's blood lingered across my clothes. She put up much more of a fight than anyone else had tonight, but I wasn't losing. Not to her and not to anyone else.

Not until I knew Satoru was safe.

"Megumi!!" I yelled out as I saw his bloodied body slumped against the wall, a special grade curse fighting Sukuna nearby.

I couldn't help but to claw at my chest as it ached and twisted in pain with the sight of my unconscious student.

"He's fine," Sukuna called out as he noticed the heartbreak on my face. "I'll keep him alive."

I looked at him with wide eyes, "Y-you will?"

"I promised you, didn't I?" He smirked as he looked at me, "Mm, anyway, I guess it's my time to show off for you."

"Its wounds keep healing," he continued to explain. "So I'll need to end it in one hit."

Before I knew what was happening, Sukuna had grabbed me from behind, lifting me up in his arms before taking off. The cursed spirit continued to chase us until we were a good ways away from where Megumi had been laying unconscious.

"What are you doing?" I asked as my heart pounded in my chest from his abruptness.

His strong arms set me back down gently, "We had to get away from Fushiguro."

"Why?" I huffed out.

"My domain will attack any targets within its range, so I made sure he was outside the radius."

"Now..." he trailed off as he wrapped around me even tighter, holding me from behind, his chest fully pressed against my back.

My heart raced as I felt the warmth of his body. My mind foggy as he spoke barely above a whisper.

"Hold still," he muttered in my ear. "As long as you're with me, you'll be safe from the effects."

He kept one arm secured around me as the other hand came in front of us, holding up two fingers, "Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine."

As the cursed spirit stood in front of us, the domain took shape. An ancient Buddhist shrine appeared behind us, skulls hanging from the structure and littering the ground.

In an instant, Sukuna used his techniques, cleave and dismantle, to destroy every single thing within the range of his domain.

I watched with wide eyes as the shrine and skulls disappeared, returning us to the scene of a destroyed area. The buildings were completely shattered, the streets abandoned of any life. Sukuna had demolished it all.

The cursed spirit let out a final screech before being fully exorcised. I had never witnessed such raw, destructive power. It was mesmerizing.

"Are you impressed my dear?" he huffed in my ear as his arms snaked around me once again, holding his body close to mine.

The soft hum of his voice caused the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. His presence was captivating every inch of me.

"You're extraordinary," I whispered out.

He let out a low chuckle as he released his grip, the tips of his fingers trailing lightly against my body as he removed his arms from around me.

I watched him as he stood next to me, fixing his hair back once again. I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"I'm glad you think so," he licked his lips slightly as he glanced over at me. "However, I'm afraid our time together is coming to an end."

We stood at the edge of the aftermath of his attack, both of us focusing on the leveled-out cityscape. I felt small tears form as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

The night wasn't over yet, and I was saddened he wouldn't be by my side to finish it out. With the amount of memories he had shared with me, he now felt so familiar.

At the very least, we had a mutual understanding and respect.

"You are a goddess, Y/n. Now go finish this."

"Sukuna," I whispered out in disbelief as I turned my head towards him, but as my eyes fell on his face, he was gone.

Yuuji stood in his place, his eyes fixated on the devastation before us.

"Y/n-sensei?" he looked at me with his doe eyes, ones that were in such a stark contrast to Sukuna's but ones that I loved nonetheless. "Did I do this?"

"It was Sukuna, yes."

Yuuji dropped to his knees, heaving as tears flowed ferociously down his cheeks. His breaths became heavy and rapid, his chest wheezing with every inhale.

"I'm nothing but a murderer!" he screamed. "I have to be executed!! I'm a killer!"

I crouched down next to him, rubbing his back gently as he continued to sob.

"Sukuna saved me. He saved Fushiguro. I know you think he's evil, but he protects his own Yuuji."

"That doesn't make up for all the lives he's taken. The lives I've taken. Y/n-sensei... I can't forgive myself."

"Whether it does or doesn't, I can't say for sure," I gently grabbed his face so that he'd look at me. "But Yuuji, as Jujutsu Sorcerers, we've been entrusted with so much."

"If you want to honor the friends and people who have been lost, then we have to pave a better future. We don't have time to sit and use our misfortunes as an excuse."

"As sorcerers, we carry this burden. And you can either carry it alone, failing all those who lost their lives and came before you. Or you can pick yourself up and fight by the side of those who remain."

"Do you understand?" I looked into his eyes, the ones that searched mine so frantically.

"I'm sorry, Y/n-sensei," he slowly stood back up. "I was about to take the easy way out because fighting through the horrors of this is so much worse. But I won't let you down."

"Good," I stood next to him. "Because we have to take on the suffering of those who are gone now. And we're wasting time."

He nodded one, a new determination on his face, "What's next?"

"We kill Geto. No matter what it takes. He won't stop as long as he has Satoru sealed."

"Right. Let's go."



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