10: Survival

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I laughed to myself as I watched the battle start. The curse from under the bridge had Megumi and Nobara in some kind of whack-a-mole game, popping out from under the ground in various places as they tried to attack.

This shit is priceless. I quickly took a video and sent to to Satoru.

[video of whack-a-mole]

satoru gojo
i really needed that laugh

you doing ok?
how's your mission?

satoru gojo
we can talk later
you really should be paying attention

i was told not to interfere!!!
oh shit... just kidding
gotta go

satoru gojo
what happened!? everything ok!!?

whack-a-mole is special grade

I watched with wide eyes as Kugisaki was pulled out of the domain. I was getting frustrated with how complicated their missions always turned out to be... Was this on purpose again?

"I'll go after her!" Yuuji yelled and disappeared behind the veil, the other curse chasing after him.

Ok, so now there's three cursed spirits. Ones a special grade, and I can't really get a good grasp on the other two.

Dammit Y/n, you should've been fucking paying attention.

"Alright Megumi," as I called out and started to approach him, ready to lend him a hand.

"No!" he yelled back. "Let me do this!! Stay out of it!"

"Fine," I huffed as I leaned back against the bridge, zoning in on Megumi, trying to get a grip on his thoughts.

This cursed spirit carries Sukuna's finger? Not good...

I quickly closed my eyes and focused in on Yuuji, trying to see if I could get a glimpse of his mind or if I could see what he was seeing, even from a distance.

It wasn't very effective but I caught a small picture of the two curses him and Kugisaki were fighting.

The Death Painting Wombs? Were they sent here for Sukuna's finger? Who stole them to begin with?

I sighed loudly...

This is getting a lot more tangled than I was hoping it would be.

Sukuna's body is split into 20 fingers... How many has Yuuji eaten? 3? 4? 6 were stolen from Jujutsu High. 1 is with this cursed spirit. So that leaves 11 or 12 unaccounted for.

And it looks like we're not the only ones after them.

"It's ok to be selfish as a sorcerer, right Y/n-sensei?" Megumi called out, breaking my train of thought.

I didn't quite understand his question, but I tried to be as honest as possible, "Right now you're on a team, but as a full-time sorcerer, all you really have is yourself Megumi."


I watched in shock as Megumi's eyes went wild, and he activated a domain expansion.

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