43: Clarity

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Yuuji and I ran back to the area where Sukuna first took over. The two girls I killed had said Geto was waiting in that area, and now that I had fought with Sukuna and spoke to Yuuji, I realized my purpose had changed.

This was about so much more than saving Satoru.

We raced through the buildings and corridors, making our way lower and lower into the subway connections.

I knew we were headed in the right direction because the air became increasingly more dense with the weight of cursed energy.

As we turned a sharp corner, my entire body came to an abrupt stop, refusing to continue as I focused in on the scene before me.

"Nanami!!!" I shrieked from the top of my lungs as the stitched up cursed spirit began to reach for Nanami's burnt and beaten body.

It felt as though my soul left me, my body reacting completely on its own. I was acting purely out of instinct as I used my darkness to grab ahold of Nanami, pulling him towards me before the cursed spirit was able to make contact.

Nanami's body shot through the air towards me and Yuuji, and as he approached closer, I grabbed him with my arms.

I immediately dropped to the ground as I held onto him for dear life. Yuuji towered above us, his face twisted up with just as much torture and pain as mine.

"Nanami," I cried out as I pushed his hair out of his face, observing the scars and burns. He was burnt to practically nothing on the left side of his body. "P-please Nanami. Please. I can't lose you."

He forced a small smile as he looked up at me, "Y/n. You're here."

The cursed spirit let out a proud laugh and I looked up to see him watching us with a beaming smile.

"Yuuji," I looked up at my first year as I held tighter to my best friend, my eyes pleading and desperate.

He nodded as his face became menacing, "I'll handle it, Y/n-sensei."

Yuuji took off without hesitation, immediately engaging in a battle with the special grade cursed spirit. After watching him land his first few hits, I returned my attention back to Nanami.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to be there on your special day," he huffed out, barely even audible.

"You'll be there Nanami. Don't you dare talk like that. You're not going anywhere," I ripped off my mask as it became soaked in tears.

"But I'm so tired, Y/n. I'm just so tired... I've done enough, haven't I?"

I tried to keep my voice even and calm as I held his head on my lap, "You've done more than enough, Nanami. So rest as you need, but please. Please don't go to sleep."

"You need to help Itadori."

I shook my head softly, "He'll be fine. You've trained him so well."

"I-it hurts. It hurts so much."

"Let me help," I whispered as I leaned down and kissed his head. I sent him a memory of us at the beach with Satoru and the first years.

I don't know if there was a time I saw Nanami happier than on that afternoon. He smiled the whole time as he read his book, sipping on various drinks throughout the day.

Even once we left, he mentioned how much he wished it wouldn't have ended. And as we sat here in this subway, maybe the flicker of something so joyous would give him a reason to push through.

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