31: Cookies n Cuteness ya know

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I immediately went to my room at the high school once we got back, leaving the reports to be settled by Satoru and the students.

Since I was going to be staying in Tokyo now, I should really get my own place... I sold it when I broke up with Satoru before and hadn't had the time to get another apartment.

But living in a dorm room was really getting annoying.

I sighed as I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, leaning my hands up against the counter. Satoru did a terrible job wiping off the blood on my face. My skin was just covered with red streaks, and it only deepened the numbness I felt.

I quickly turned on the shower and began to undress. I stepped underneath the warm water, watching as it ran red down my body. I didn't move until the color of the water was clear once again.

I turned the nozzle, allowing the water to heat up until it was scorching and steaming. The sensation caused me to let out a sigh of relief as it warmed up my soul, thawing out the depths that seemed to have frozen over with the events of today.

Everything was a blur. Everything except for the vivid memories of Sukuna.

I pushed my hair back as I tilted my head up, letting the water sting the sensitive skin on my face. What I wouldn't give to turn back time and tell Satoru and Yaga I wasn't actually ready for a mission.

I didn't want any of this. It was so much more than I could handle.

I groaned softly as I heard someone pounding on the door to my bedroom, loud enough for me to hear even all the way in the bathroom with the shower on. It must be Satoru.

"Y/n!!" he yelled. "Hello!? You in here!?"

Another reason I needed my own place again. These dorms don't have locks. Not even for the bathroom. It was for "safety." Stupid reason since if there was an emergency any of us could easily break down a door.

I listened as he let himself in, mumbling to himself as he walked through the empty room. I couldn't help but laugh. It was almost annoying how adorable he was.

"Oya!" he yelled as he opened the bathroom door. "You in here!?"

"Yes, obviously," I laughed as I spoke to him through the curtain that shielded his view of me.

I heard the creaking of the small wooden stool I kept in here as he sat down. Whenever I did my hair and makeup, which wasn't often these days, I preferred to sit. Sometimes even standing just felt like too much work.

"How're you doing?" he asked.

"Mm, just peachy. Finished everything already?"

"Yea, Ieiri's doing an autopsy on Muta."

I hummed in response as I started to wash my hair. I really wanted to be alone, but I knew that Satoru was just concerned about me. He was so clingy when he was worried. Or when he was happy. Or bored. Or sad... Or really anytime but angry.

I didn't mind too much though. It was how he showed he cared.

"I'm hungry," he complained.

I smiled to myself. He wasn't always great with silence either, "You should go make something."

He groaned loudly, "I don't want to cook."

"Then go pick up something."

"But I eat out too much," he huffed.

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