33: besto frendo

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I walked into the shop with Nanami trailing closely behind. A small scent of cedarwood and leather drifted to us as we entered.

The ceiling was detailed in gold trim and chandeliers. The floors were made of a rich, reflective marble that echoed whenever we took our steps.

Glass cases were spread out across the room, all containing rings, watches, and other fine jewelry. The lighting dim as to not cause too much of a reflection.

It was even grander than I originally thought.

As the associates stared at me and Nanami, I realized how absolutely undressed I was. I was literally in sweats and sneakers... Luckily, Nanami was in his typical full suit.

I approached a woman behind one of the counters with a small smile, afraid to let my voice rise even above a whisper, "Hello."

"Can we help you?" she asked in a rather annoyed tone as her eyes trailed down me.

"Yea, what are we doing here?" Nanami followed up.

"Oh, um, I'm actually picking up something," I looked in between the two judgmental blondes.

"Name?" she added as she looked at her computer.

I glanced nervously at Nanami, "Gojo."

Her eyes widened as she pulled up my name, "Oh, Mrs. Gojo! I'm so sorry! We didn't realize you'd be coming by today!" She quickly bowed making me and Nanami rather shocked.

I waved my arms in front of me, "Eh?! Oh no, it's fine! Please, please stand!!"

I looked at everything online and ordered over the phone so I didn't expect them to know who I was, and I didn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of it. 

"Thank you, ma'am," she said as she stood. "Let me go get my manager. She'll want to speak with you."

I watched her walk to a back room, and Nanami quickly turned to me, "What was that about?"

I shrugged, "I dunno... I'm just here to pick up something I bought for Satoru."

"Mm," he nodded. "I get it."

"Get what?" I tilted my head at him.

Just then, the young woman returned, "Here, please have a drink on us."

"Well, I wouldn't say no to that," I smirked as I grabbed one of the champagne glasses. Even Nanami looked pleased as he took the other glass.

"What exactly did you buy?" he laughed as she left.

I immediately smiled, "It's a surprise for Satoru!"

"Must be a pretty expensive surprise with the way they're treating you."

"Mrs. Gojo," we both looked at another woman who approached. "Please follow me."

We did as she said and ended up in a small but comfortable office. Nanami and I sat in two plush armchairs as the woman took a seat behind the desk.

She passed over a little velvet box, "Would you like to take a look?"

"Oh, yes! Thank you!" I grabbed it and quickly opened it up. My eyes widened as I looked at the ring inside.

It was perfect.

Nanami leaned over, "You got him a wedding ring?"

"Isn't it amazing!?" I squealed.

"Is that normal? Does the woman typically get the man a ring like this?"

"Hmph," I scoffed and furrowed my brows as I looked at him. "Why does that matter!?"

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