40: Unlikely Allies

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I tried to breathe, but the air felt like razor blades shooting through my veins. My chest was tightening, crashing in around me, making it almost impossible for my heart to operate as it should.

I had to fight just to keep my knees from giving out. The world around me went dark. It was like my life flashed before me, and a life without him, it was darkness and dread and fear.

I wanted everyone involved to suffer. I was ready for the world to feel the same agony. There wasn't a single trace of hope left within me as the unforgiving pain and torment took over.

The darkness I had fought so fervently to keep out, I let it consume me. Fully this time.

"Where is he?" I asked in a cold voice, slowly taking steps towards him.

"Geto has the prison realm."

The prison realm. I couldn't believe they had him sealed away in one of the most powerful, taboo objects in the sorcerer world.

I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the warmth of small tears escaping. I let the sensation fuel me for what was to come next. I didn't need to hold back anymore.

Nothing mattered.

With the death of my clan, I had no past. With the sealing of Satoru, I had no future. And now, with the shattered echoes of my heart, I was presently free. Free to act without consequence because I had nothing left to lose.

"What do you want to do, my dear?" Sukuna cooed in my ear as he laid a hand on my shoulder.

"I want to watch them all burn."

He smirked as he inched closer, letting me feel the soft warmth of his breath as he whispered to me, "Consider it done."

Sukuna sprang forward, landing a sharp blow on to Jogo, causing him to crash through the wall and out of the side of the building.

"You coming?" Sukuna smirked.

I nodded once before following him swiftly outside. Over and over again, Sukuna landed hits on Jogo as he flew upwards in the air.

I stood on the street, observing, and smirked as Sukuna grabbed Jogo's throat before smashing him back down into the ground.

Bits of concrete and debris from the nearby buildings and the paved road went soaring as Sukuna towered over the cursed spirit.

Jogo forced himself to his feet, blood pouring out of his mouth. Sukuna grabbed the hooded robe, pulling Jogo into the air, "Y/n, are you bored yet? Or should I keep going?"

"Keep going."

"Mm, I think I'll let him get a chance then. I'm rather bored myself."

The cursed spirit tried to land hits on Sukuna, but he quickly weaved through the attempts, causing a dance of confusion for Jogo.

The clear gap between the two was astounding. Jogo didn't stand a chance, even as a special grade.

As Jogo began to realize his dire situation, he prepared for his ultimate attack, "Maximum: Meteor!"

Sukuna walked casually up to me as Jogo began, "It's pathetic isn't it?"

"I'm ending this," I said before walking towards where Jogo was going to end up landing. Sukuna was right on my heels as he shoved his hands in his pockets, a proud smile on his face.

We began to approach an ongoing fight between sorcerers and cursed users. They were in our way as we migrated to Jogo's attack.

"Listen up! These special grades are going to smash us!" Kusakabe, a grade 1 sorcerer from jujutsu high, yelled. "Hurry up and run!"

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