Chapter 1

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I've been walking the dangerous streets of Davis City for the past hour. My boyfriend, Nick, and I had plans to go to the movie theatre, but when we got there he decided he wanted to go hang out with his friends instead. He left me there without a ride home. This is the second time this week. I wanted to do something about it but I couldn't.

I want to break up with him but me being the person I am could never do something like that. The last time I was left alone by him one of my friends was available to pick me up. I really hope I don't get into trouble for being late for curfew. I'm taking my chances and hoping that my parents are asleep.

I look down the dark street ahead of me. If I get murdered or worse tortured its not my fault. The street lights are all burnt out. The only source of light I'll have is my phone. I start walking the only noise heard is the faint rumble of cars from streets over.

I am deep in my thoughts when I am suddenly pushed against something with a faint pressure near my neck. I look down and see the glint of silver. My mind takes a second to put together what's happening.

The person takes my phone and searches my pockets for anything. I close my eyes and silently pray. Please God, I don't want to die tonight; not now, not in this way. I swear I'll do better in school and be nicer to others. The pressure on my neck disappears and I slowly open my eyes. Thank you God. A silver blur is the only thing in my sight.

When the blurriness in my vision dies down, I see a mysterious manly figure in front of me. "Who are you?" I warily ask; not taking my eyes off of the figure, not even for a split second.

He has no expression on his face; which is partly covered by a silver mask. "Silver." He hands me back my phone and I slip it into my back pocket. That doesn't sound like a real name.

"I meant your real name, you know the one your parents named you." As soon as the words leave my mouth I am regretful. What if Silver is his real name?

"That my dear is for me to know." I check the time on my phone, 1:53 A.M. it reads.

"Thanks for the help, But I really have to go now." I hurriedly start to make it my way down the street. When I look behind me, I stop. A man lays on the ground many feet away from Silver. I gulp.

"Was he there before?" I question quietly, not fully understanding what had happened to me minutes before.

"Oh him? He's the guy who tried to mug you a few minutes ago, or did you already forget?" He says rudely. I dont reply.

Turning around I start to make my way back home. It has been a long night, all I need right now is sleep. When I make it halfway down the street I am stopped by Silver's voice.

"It wouldn't be right for a proper young man to let such an innocent girl to walk down these dangerous streets alone" He says making me scoff.

I trip on my own to feet and fall face first on to the ground. I make no action to pick myself back up. Instead, I laugh. I laugh so hard I'm sure the world could hear me. This night has been one of the worst nights of my life so far.

Silver stares at me and surprisingly it is a stare with no judgment. He lays down next to me and we sit in silence for many minutes. Silver gets back up and reaches a hand out towards me. I hesitate before taking his hand.

"So, where are we headed?" He asks once I'm pulled back up. I furrow my eyebrows at this question.

"I'm going home." I say, but Silver pays no attention to my answer as he looks around paranoid. Suddenly all of the car noises from streets over seem to vanish and it becomes eerily quiet.

A deep chuckle breaks through the silence. "Did my son finally find a girlfriend?" The voice mocks and our attention is now on the man.

"I am not your son." Silvers attitude takes a 180 becoming serious.

"You are." The man shifts his attention to me while Silver curses under his breath.

"What's your name?" Silver steps in getting closer to the man. "Leave her out of this." The man ignores Silver's demand, keeping his attention on me

"What's your name?" I shift uncomfortably under his gaze. I don't understand what's going on and decide to stay out of it.

"Leave her alone!" Silver demands a second time.

"I was only asking a question, right?" The man plays innocent and I nod my head taking many steps back until I'm far behind Silver. Two new figures join Silvers side. They are in masks just like Silver and the man are. They also have matching outfits with their own different colored mask.

"Take the girl to base we got this." A man in red says, Silver nods his head grabbing my hand. I instantly pull away in shock. "Grab my hand." He demands and I do as told.

"Close your eyes." He tells me and I look at him skeptically.

"Why?" I ask and he rolls his eyes at me.

"So you don't get hurt." I close my eyes and silver dances across the lid of my eyes for a moment, then disappears.

"You can open your eyes." I slowly open my eyes to the surroundings of an apartment. A man is sitting on a plush couch with numerous laptops on a table in front of him.

"I'm Ian, take a seat."

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