Chapter 17

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Lily, Sam, and Owen are all passed out so I turn off the TV and move to Lily's bed. Its pitch black outside as far as I can tell from looking through the window. I close my eyes for only a minute and arms wrap around my waist and I'm pulled into a hard chest. Without thinking I snuggle closer to the person. My mind drifts off hoping its Silver. I feel myself being lifted off the bed and into the persons arms but I don't care. I don't feel any threat towards me.
•••••••••••••••3 hrs later•••••••••••••••

I wake up from a movement code me and a face really close to mine. I close my eyes tightly hoping that its Silver but just incase I try to send him a message or whatever it's called.

'Silver?' I ask and keep repeating it in my head so there's chance of at least one will get through. my only focus is on the words and Silver.

'Huh?' His reply comes to me groggily.

'Are you behind me?' I ask hopefully

'What do you mean?' At his response I force my eyes open to look at my surroundings. I'm not in Lily's room anymore instead I'm in a unfamiliar room with gray walls.

'Uh.. Silver, I don't know where I am.' I send him sounding like a scared echo.

'Who are you with?' He asks and I stay as still as possible trying to not freak out.

'I.... I don't know.' I send him

'Okay Grace I'll find you as soon as I can just don't do anything stupid.' He sounds calm so I start calm down, just a little.

'I didn't plan on it,' I send back but don't get a response in return. I turn around to face the person and try to figure out who they are. But its no use, as it is too dark to tell who it is. The person shifts and I shove my face into the persons chest pretending to be asleep. I try to relax my muscles to make my body look more well... asleep. The guy pulls away from me and stands up. My face is halfway on a pillow with one eye closed so he can't tell I'm awake but the other is open and I watch him.

The man opens a door and brightness shines into the room. I finally see his face, Its Valt.(The creepy guy from the movie theatre) I may not know what Valt actually looks like but I know his mask and it has to be him. He exits the room and I stay completely still. I don't know when he's coming back and I can't take the chance that he finds out I'm awake.

'Silver! It's Valt he's the one that was in the room with me!' I send frantically

'Okay, I'll find you.' he replies quickly.

Valt comes back into the room with a cup of water and I immediately close my eyes. He turns the light on and I feel the bed dip beside me telling me that he sat down next to me. He then brushes hair off of my face and caresses my cheek.

"Grace, wake up." he says and I groan in response and turn away from him pretending to still be asleep. He pulls me back towards him and sits me upwards so I'm leaning on his chest.

"Grace wake up," He says agin. I slowly open my eyes, groaning agin. Valt wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I fully open my eyes and pretend to take a minute to realize that I'm not in Lily's room anymore.

"Don't freak out, your fine." He says quit rudely.

"Where.. Where am I?" I ask trying to pull away from him but its no use.

"You don't need to know that, but what you do need to know is your with me and your not going anywhere anytime soon." He says

"What time is it?" I ask yet again another question. Some stray pieces of my hair fall into my face and I move my hand to brush it back but Valt beets me to it.

"Like 3 A.M." He replies

"Drink this," He demands rudely pushing the glass to my lips

"I don't want to," I respond pushing the glass away from my face

"Drink," He demands agin but this time something in me tells me that there will be a price to pay if I don't do as told. I take the cup and drink, feeling the liquid slide down my throat. He stands up and leaves me on the bed to turn off the lights agin. Once the lights turn off I hear his footsteps come back towards the bed. I feel myself being picked up and into Valt's surprisingly comfortable embrace. He sits back down still holding me and starts to play with my hair.

"Go to sleep," He demands

"But-" I start to refuse but am cut off by him

"Grace, I said go to sleep."

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- Your Geek,

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