Chapter 16

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"I didn't?" He replays but it comes out more like a question than a answer. Sam starts walking closer to him until she's only a few feet away from him.

"Liar," She says but does what nobody expected from her, she hugs him.

"You didn't actually think I would hurt you? Okay so maybe I was going to earlier but I'm over it." Sam says sincerely not letting go of him.

"It's fine, just don't try and kill me agin." He says seriously hugging her back.

"SLEEPOVER!" Lily screams out of nowhere her brilliant idea.

"Grace pack you're shiz we're going to my house!" Lily says in excitement. I jump off of my bed and grab a bag from my closet to pack things in. I start to shove random t-shirts in my bag, then move to shorts and ect.

"Hey grab some clothes for Sam, Owen doesn't want to drive all the way to her house to get her things!" Lily screams from my room so I can hear her. I shove some more clothes in the bag for Sam then walk out and into my bathroom. I grab my tooth brush, tooth paste, and other things I need. When I walk back into my room they are all talking.

"Okay, I think I got everything." I say unsure.

"Lets go then!" Lily says running out of my room and down the stairs. Me and Owen walk downstairs and I separate from them to tell my Dad where I'm going.

"Dad, Can I spend the night at Lily's?" I ask hopefully

"I see your already packed," He says giving me a accusing look.

"Is that a yes?" I ask

"Of course," He says smiling and shoo's me out of the living room. I walk out and open the front door.

"Only if Owen sleeps in a separate room!" He shouts protectively before I can take a step out the door. I ignore him and walk out and sit next to Lily in the back of Owens truck. Sam and Owen start to talk about some new video game coming out in a month or something while me and Lily sit awkwardly listening to them.

"I know it was you who was taken by Silver and his group." She accuses quietly so only I can hear.

"Ya, it was." I say truthfully.

"Then why'd you lie?" She questions and I shrug not wanting to tell her.

"How do you know them? Is it someone we know?" She asks more questions that I don't want to answer. I just shrug at her agin, the truck stops at her house before she can ask any more questions. We all get out and walk into her house which is about the same size as mine only a little smaller. They have four rooms and my house has five.

"The Walking Dead?" Sam asks hopefully and we all reply in a chorus if yes's. We walk up to Lily's room and I throw my bag by her bed like I've done many times before. We lay many blankets and pillows on the pillows to make our movie fort. It might seem childish but it's our tradition for Lily's house. I line up the pillows in the right position with Owen while Lily and Sam put a blanket over us reaching the TV. I crawl out and walk down stairs to make popcorn.

Lily's mother Carol was in there making herself a snack when I walked in. She turns around to leave the kitchen and finally notices me.

"Grace, I didn't realize you are here!" She says in surprise

"Oh, Lily invited me and Sam over to spend the night." I reply and walk to the cabinets where they store their snacks and other food items.

"What do you plan on doing tonight?" She asks curiously

"We're going to watch The Walking Dead then probably go to sleep." I say pulling out the popcorn box and pull a bag out taking the wrapper off of it.

"Well, I'm going to watch TV in my room, don't stay up too late." She tells me like my own mother would and exits the kitchen. I put the popcorn in the microwave and press the popcorn button. I awkwardly stand next to the microwave waiting for the popcorn to finish. When it finishes I pull it out carefully so I don't burn myself. I then take out a big bowl and pour the popcorn in it. I exit the kitchen and walk up the stairs with the bowl in my hand. I reach Lily's room in no time and put the bowl in our fort.

"Owen, go grab the drinks." I demand

"Fine," He whines in reply, walking out of the room. He returns with our drinks and we all get situated in the fort. We turn on Netflix and go to the next episode of The Walking Dead we have to watch.

••••••••Many Episodes Later •••••••••••

Lily, Sam, and Owen are all passed out so I turn off the TV and move to Lily's bed. Its pitch black outside as far as I can tell from looking through the window. I close my eyes for only a minute and arms wrap around my waist and I'm pulled into a hard chest.


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- Your Geek,

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