Chapter 4

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I think about what he told me as he turn around for the second time. I head back to sit on the couch but Nolan's already spread out on the couch with his legs over Carson's and his head in my seat. Carson's head is tilted upward, eyes closed, and snoring loudly.

I sit on the ground instead, the only leather chair in the room is taken by Ian with himself wrapped up in a blanket. The only noise in the room is the music from the end of the movie and snoring.

"I shouldn't have saved you from that man." Silver breaks the silence.

"What would of happened if you didn't?" My voice is still quiet and soft but for some reason him saying that made me angry. If he didn't want to save me he shouldn't have, but he did.

"Your family would be safer, you would be safer." He says in a quiet but angry voice, making him seem scarier.

"My family might be safer but what about me? You have you be realistic, I would dead, raped, or maybe okay." My voice gets quieter at the end to the point were I can barely hear myself.

He glares at the carpet knowing I'm right. I don't understand why he's angry at me, I don't think I did anything wrong?

"Did I do something wrong?" My question lingers in the air for a while.

"No, you didn't." I tilt my head to the side.

"Then, why are you mad at me?" My question seems to piss him off more.

"I'm not fucking mad at you! Just drop it." His voice booms luckily not waking anyone just making them stir. I Coward back farther to the other side of the couch.

I hear him take in a deep breath, calming himself. I bring my knees up to my chest and cross my arms over them. Putting my head on my arms I close my eyes. I must have fell asleep at some point because I wake up but keep my eyes closed when I feel arms wrap around me and I'm lifted.

The person carries me somewhere and I'm laid down on something soft.

••••••••••••••• 9:03 A.M. ••••••••••••••••

My eyes open and I'm in a unfamiliar room. I'm on a comfy huge bed wrapped in a red and black comforter. The walls of the room are light grey and are blank. I stand up and go to the only door in the room. Bangs and crashes travel through the hallway when I open the door.

'What's going-' my thoughts are cut off by another crash. I walk down the hallway to the living room and find a kitchen to the left that I didn't notice before.

Walking into the kitchen, Carson has a pan in his hand chasing Nolan, Ian's screaming at Carson to stop, and Silvers laughing so hard his face has turned red. "Uh... guys," all of their heads turn towards me and they stop whatever they're doing.

"What's going on?" They all just stare at me then go back to what they were doing. I watch as Carson hits Nolan in the stomach with the pan making him scream curses.

Carson points the pan at him agin "Don't touch my things, that goes for all of you," he swings the pan in the air to point at all of us but stops on me.

"Except you, you can touch whatever you like." His perverted self comes back, Ian and Silver roll their eyes, while I stay frozen and Nolan groans in pain. The shock wears off of me and I walk over to Nolan and bend down.

"Are you okay?" He groans and sits up.

"I'm fine." I lift his shirt and find a huge circular bruise already forming.

"Dude, this isn't fair she's already checking out your six pack." Carson whines from behind me and I blush, pulling his shirt back down.

"I need to go home" I stare at my hands nervous of what their reaction will be.

"You can't leave me here with these idiots, I won't let you." Carson whines and crosses his arms like a little kid.

"You can stay and eat breakfast here and I'll take you later." Ian says and all I do is nod my head. After a bowl of fruit loops, Ian and I were ready to leave. Ian's phone beeped and he looked down at it.

"Somebody else has to take Grace home, Isic's babysitter a family emergency. You can take the truck." I shove all the questions in my mind to the back of my head.

"I'll take her!" Carson says happily with a creepy smile on his face while grabbing what I think is the trucks keys and holding them up into the air.

"Yeah, that's not happening." Nolan says while grabbing the keys out of his hands.

"I'll come with you, it's not like I have anything better to do." Silver mumbles while Nolan leads us out of the apartment.

Before Silver closes the door to the apartment he shouts over his shoulder "Clean up the mess you made while we're gone!"

Nolan leads us down a set of stairs and to a parking lot. We all get into a tightly fitted three seated red truck. I tell Nolan my address and he starts to drive.

With no music playing an awkward silence fills the air. Making me wonder more about who Isic is. "Who's Isic?"

"He's Ian's little brother, he takes care if him when his parents are gone." Nolan says. Nobody says anything for a while so I decide to break the silence by turning on the radio. I change the station many times before I found a good song.

When we arrived at my house Silver got out with me. "Give me your phone." He demanded and I obeyed.

"Here's our numbers contact us if you need any thing or whatever we'll see you around sometime." His phone beeped as he sent a text to himself from my phone.

He got back into the truck and waited for me to get inside my house safely. When I opened the door I was met by a surprise.

"Grace Young where the hell have you been?! And who in gods name were those boys?!" My mom screams at me.


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-Your Geek,

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