Chapter 10

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"Everything," I say making him look taken aback.

"What do you mean by everything?" He asks, looking straight ahead.

"I mean everything. I want to know what you like, what you hate. I want to know you." I say, and I honestly want to know him,I want him to trust me, but you can't trust someone completely without knowing them.

"Okay," He says hesitantly, making a huge smile form on my face.

"But not now." The smile on my face slowly fades when he says these words. I try to understand him and his reasons but every time I try to I end up more confused and lost.

"Why did you take me here?" I question out of the blue.

"When Ian first gave me my powers, the symptoms made me do some things that I don't remember, I woke up here. From then on I would come here by myself to get away from life." He says with a emotionless face.

"I never told anyone about this place, I guess I needed someone to share this place with." He continues, putting his hands behind his head and lays down on the roof. You can see his eyes close under his mask as he listens to his surroundings.

It's weird how only part of his face is covered but you still can't tell who he is. You can guess what he looks like but not the small details. I could know him or have seen him at school, he could be anyone. The answer is so close, yet so far away and it's killing me inside not knowing who he is. I don't even know his powers, can he shoot webs through his hands? Can he speak to me like Valt?

"I'm not like spiderman, Grace." He says catching me off gaurd. I didn't say that outloud how... how could he know what I was thinking?

'Your like a open book with your thoughts, I didn't want to scare you before so I didn't tell you before.' He says but it sounded more distant, like how it did with Valt.

'How? I thought you could only talk to me.' I try sending back.

"Don't underestimate people like me, most of us only show some of our cards and use the others for future advantages." He says out loud. What does he mean by people like him?

I didn't say anything for a while, stuck in my thoughts. He stood up holding his hand out for me. "Come on," he said as I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Your house now, close your eyes" he said. I close my eyes and silver soon dances across my eyelids, just like before. When the silver disappears I open my eyes, we're not on the rooftop anymore instead we're back in my room.

"Goodbye I'll see you around," He says, dissapearing.

I'll walk down stairs into the living room, I find everyone sitting on the floor talking. Lily is the first one to notice me, "I didn't hear you come in" she says, I shrug and take a seat next to Owen who wraps his arms around my shoulder.

"Whatcha doing" I asked him.

"Well, we're trying to decide what we're going to do, have any ideas?" He says pulling me closer to him. I think for a moment but come up with nothing.

"No," I say, moving into a more comfortable position.

"I have an idea," Ian says, we all look at him expectantly.

"Well," Owen says

"Oh right, let's go to the park." He says realizing he didn't tell us his idea. I agree with him parks awesome, there's slides, and swings, and... tree's, it's just all together the most wonderful place ever! I love the park, although it might seem childish.

"Let's go!" I squeal, standing up as quick as I'm pretty sure is humanly possible. I grab Owen's hand and try to pull him up, the key word try. He doesn't budge and I literally have all of my weight lean the opposite of him. He stands up, making me almost fall back on the ground, but catches me just in the nick of time.

"We have to pick up Isic if we're going." Ian says, taking a more responsible tone Everyone agrees and we get ready to go to the park, splitting into groups to find things we'll bring. Ian helps me get snacks while the others search for many other things.

"How olds Isic?" I ask Ian.

"He just turned five," He responds with admiration in his eyes.

"I wish I had a little brother or sister, I'm an only child." I say, I've always wanted a sibling but I guess I sort of always had some, Lily, Sam, and Owen. They've always been there for me, no matter what happened.

"Yeah, I couldn't imagine my life without Isic." Iam has a real smile on his face as he tosses granola bars into the lunch box we're bringing.

When everyone is ready we load up into Owens truck. After many minutes of driving we finally arrive at the house we had been at earlier, Ian gets out of the truck and heads inside, coming back with a pair of keys in one hand and a little boy's hand in the other.

Nolan and Carson get in Ian's car and we all drive to the park. I'm practically bouncing in my seat when we arrive. I open my door and run out the first thing I head for is the swings, I choose one to sit on and start to swing. I left everyone to take everything out of the truck, but I'm sure they can handle it.

When they finish Owen walks over to me and starts pushing me on the swing. I start to scream when I swings so high that I feel like I'm going to fall. I get off and walk over to the picnic table Ian and Isic are sitting at.

"You must be Isic, I'm Grace." I say holding out my hand for him to shake. He puts his small hand in mine and gives it a small shake. He giggles, moves closer to Ian shyly, and withdrawls his hand.

"Hi," he says quietly.

"Why aren't you out there playing?" I question the adorible boy.

"The slides are too tall," He mumbles embarrassed.

"I'll make you a deal, you don't have to go on the slides and I'll be with you the whole time but we have to go out there and play." I offer

"Deal." He says grabbing my hand.


- Your Geek,

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