Chapter 3

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Half way through the movie Carson had his arms wrapped around me while I tried to remove myself from his uncomfortable embrace. I give up! I lay back and lean into him instead.

"Carson just leave the girl alone." a voice says from the side of me, I think it was Nolan who said it.

"She's fine, it's not like she's said anything." Carson says from beside me.

Their talking is making me sleepy, I'm just going to close my eyes for a minute... After what only felt like a few seconds later I heard my name being called "Grace," I hum in response, not really paying attention.

"Grace!" My eyes fly open and I feel wide awake

"Uh, what?" The lights are still off and the movies still playing so I don't see the problem.

"Do you want to change seats?" Nolan asks as I rub my eyes.

"Yeah, sure." My voice comes out rough and dry.

Nolan stands up and motions for me to slide over. He sits in the spot that I was currently sitting in, the middle seat only to punch Carson in the arm.

Now I'm wide awake, might as well watch the rest of the movie. I have no clue on what movie we are watching because I didn't pay attention when they put the movie in and didn't bother asking.

••••••••••• 30 minutes later ••••••••••••

The movies hopeless, its one of those movies that you have to pay attention to every little detail to understand what's going on. I check my phone making the room light up.

2 unread text messages

There is one from my Mom and another one from one of my best friends Sam short for Samantha. I open the one from Sam first, it might be late at night but she stays up late playing Xbox most weekends unless she's hanging out with Lily and me or studying.

Did u make it home ok?- Sammy

I'm ok not @ home- Gracie

As I wait for her reply I open the text from my Mom. With my parents I text differently than with other people so they can understand what I'm saying. I tried to teach them shortcuts but it was useless, they were confused and I became really frustrated so I gave up.

Thanks for letting us know, come strait home in the morning. Love you!- Mom

Love you too and I'll try- Gracie

My phone buzzes and I go back to texting Sam.

Wt do u mean? Did Nick dch u again?- Sammy

He did but i'll tell u ltr, nght- Gracie

Nght- Sammy

Just as I receive Sam's reply my phone is taken out of my hands. "What are you doing?" Silver says as he reads my texts. "I was just texting a friend, can you stop reading those?" I say in a quiet voice while looking down at my hands. He nods as his eyes skim over the screen, tapping on it, then handing it back.

Silver sits back down and faces towards the TV. He still hasn't taken off his mask like the others did or tell me his name. It made me wonder why, if the others already trusted me with their identity so why didn't he?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt pressure on my right shoulder. I jumped a little until I realized that Nolan fell asleep with his head on my shoulder. He looked so peaceful and calm when he was asleep, unlike how he normally appears.

Since I can't figure out what the movies about I make it up in my mind but soon get bored. Only minutes later the only people awake are Carson and Silver.

With Carson leaning on the arm rest and Silver sitting with his back against the couch by my legs. I need to use the bathroom so bad right now. Contemplating on who to ask I decide to ask Silver because he's closer and Carson sort of scares me more.

I reach out to tap his shoulder but before I even touch him he grabs my arm still facing the screen. "What?" His voice comes out irritated and I pull my hand back.

"Um.. May I go to the bathroom?" I ask quietly looking back down at my hands. Carson might scare me more but that doesn't mean I'm not scared of Silver. "Down the hall second door to your right."

I stand up carefully making sure not to wake anyone, but of course me being me I accidentally hit Silver in the back of his head with my knee.

"Watch it!" He growled out, I hurried in the directions he told me as fast as I could. Once I finished and washed my hands I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror.

My once straight blonde hair is in a frizzy mess and my eye liner is smudged. The contacts I'm wearing are making my eyes turn red in irritation. I would rather be wearing my glasses right now but Nick insisted that that I look better with no glasses and straight hair. I finally realize who I am around Nick isn't me, it's just the person he wants me to be.

When I finally open the door Silver is waiting leaning against the door frame. "Oh... sorry were you waiting?" I move out of the door frame to let him pass but he doesn't move.

"No, I was just wondering why where you walking the streets tonight alone?" Silver says in a curious tone. I avoid his gaze looking everywhere except him.

"I was ditch by my boyfriend, he decided he had better things to do then go on a date with me." I mess with my hands pretending like they are the most interesting thing in the world at that moment.

"Oh," he turns around to go sit back down when I stop him. "Can I ask you a question?" A smirk appears on his face.

"You just did." His voice turns playful and he raises a eyebrow at me.

"Can I ask you two questions?" I find myself smiling at him.


"Why haven't you taken off your mask and what's your real name?" I look back down at my hands nervously.

"I believe you only had one question left but I'll answer anyway. My identity is something you earn, I can't have you going around telling people who I really am, now can I?" He ask me


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- Your Geek,

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