Chapter 28

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I look down at the mask I kept, thinking about Silver and how much fun I had a week ago. But, of course all fun comes to a end sooner or later. I hung out with Sam, Owen, and Lily three days ago and since them I have been bored out of my mind. There's nothing to do at this house, at least I have my books on my kindle, TV, and my food to keep me company.

I hear some one walking up the stairs and I hurry to hide my mask. I hide it in a box, that contains the jewelry that I never wear. The door starts to open and I jump on my bed, it's my Dad. He comes over and sits on the edge of my bed.

"One of my old friends moved back into town a few weeks ago and asked us to have dinner with them tonight. They have a son that's close to your age, you guys actually used to have play dates together." He tells me smiling excitedly.

"At what time?" I ask

"Six, be ready and dress nicely." He tells me leaving my room calling out to my mom. I roll my eyes at him, like I'd go to a dinner in sweats. I might, but only if I didn't like the people and didn't care what they think. It's around two in the afternoon so I have about four hours to get ready. It only takes me about thirty minutes to get ready so, I decide I can read until five. After I finish getting ready, I'll have some extra time to do whatever.

•••••••••••••• 5:46 P.M. •••••••••••••••••

My parents and I walk out to the car so we can get there early. I have my phone in hand, texting Sam and Lily. Within no time we arrive at there house. We all get out of the car and walk up to the front door. My Dad rings the doorbell and the door opens. Standing in in the doorway is a guy who looks around my Dads age but is taller by a few inches. They both greet each other and the guy comes up to me and hugs me.

"You have gotten so big, we need to put a brick on your head to stop you from growing." The guy says, releasing me. A lady walks into the room, grabbing all of our attention. She's really pretty, with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. My mom hugs her, saying how much she missed her. Next to walk in the room surprises me, It's Austin, from when me and Silver where kidnapped.

I honestly thought I'd never see him again, It is truly a small world. He pauses for a minute when he sees me, probably just as surprised as I am.

"Let's go to the living room, shall we?" The lady suggests and we all nod. We enter their living room, Austin and me get stuck sitting together on the couch. Our parents are preoccupied talking to each other so we both turn towards each other.

"What are your parents names?" We both ask at the same time. Nobody ever told me their names and I didn't want to be rude to his parents, he must've thought the same.

"My Dads name is Gary and my Moms name is Monica." I tell him

"My Fathers name is Charlie, and my Moms name is Sarah." He tells me and we sit in awkward silence. Both of our Moms excuse themselves to head off to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. They both call us to the dining room when the food is all done and the plates are set. Once again me and Austin are seated next to each other.

The room is noisy, from our parents catching up on what has happened since they left while Austin and I eat in awkward silence.

"Did your parents ever mention my family?" I ask quietly wondering, my parents never told me about his. They told me there was a boy I used to have play dates with when I was a baby, but they never mentioned anything about his family.

"No, did yours?" He asks back and I shake my head in response. We stay quiet after that and about thirty minutes later everyone exits the dining room leaving our Mom's to clean up the dishes. I offered to help but instead or taking my help she sends me and Austin upstairs to the game room.

I take a seat in one of the bean bag's they have. It's plain black and surprisingly very comfortable. I take my glasses off and place them in my lap. I rub my eyes and sigh in relief.

"Why where you there that night?" I ask him out of nowhere

"I got mixed up into some things," He says obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"So what's you're favorite color?" I ask trying to start a conversation and change the subject, which just might lead to a friendship.

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-Your Geek,

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